(Apr 14, 2018, 12:01 AM)WETiLAMBY Wrote: -Involved as kEEMstRA
I was going to agree with most of what you said regarding the case, until you brought me into this. Saying I was also breaking fearRP is actually rather pernicious and quite frankly I don't want to hear it. I was complying with every order that was given and I never once tried to break it. Until you can prove to me where I was breaking fearRP in your evidence, I am not going to let you create a falsified statement regarding my behavior.
The twitch stream can be viewed at this link https://www.twitch.tv/videos/249963110 and the incident in question can be located at around 38 mins
The incident first starts with me being randomly arrested by Haamster for "Evading police in an RV" which then drives by proving I'm not the driver, he then insists it was me driving and so I ask N K 4 to come back and show him physically that it wasnt me that was driving the RV and CDMing people. I am then handcuffed and that's when the first evidence clip starts
All I'm really saying is I am not accountable for any of the events that unfolded at the time and I wasn't there to start any trouble at all.
I also want to add that David Wood was not breaking fearrp at the time either as he was hit by the RV prior to the fearrp incident.
As for you ignoring FearRP or your involvement into what happened today, I have nothing else to add.
There is, however, nothing pernicious about having you mentioned into a PR in which you were involved and breaking FearRP as well. If you would've really been so concerned about the influence it would bring or light it would shine on you, then you should've thought twice about joining in on the Twitch fun you guys seemed to be having.
It is clearly visible from the video that Bryce posted that, you, along with others, were being asked to get off the spike strips multiple times. As well as you (yes, not only you) refused to do so, under point of tasers and firearms.
As for David Wood, I
did mix himself and smyalgames up in situation #1. David Wood did indeed get hit by RV before the further FearRP incident unfolded in which N K 4, smyalgames and yourself decided to lay down on the spike strips when being asked specifically to
not do so.
In short, you guys seem to know well enough what FearRP is about. It is heard in your Twitch video when you guys communicated outside of the game itself and so you were expected to follow it, too.
As you seem to know David Wood cq. stream together with him, could you please ask him for a statement on quote: ''
No, I don't have any I.D. on me, because it's GMod and there's no such thing. Stop being such a... virgin''.
The time-stamp of this can be found at this URL:
Or what about a statement about him saying that he did in fact rage quit and turned off his computer during the arrest that followed not much later?
If he had timed out a few seconds earlier, the arrest could not have been fulfilled, but he doesn't seem to be bothered by the attempt to force a disconnect to avoid arrest.
What I can gather from this and your friend's Twitch broadcast is that you three were out looking for trouble. It even literally says so in the title. There doesn't seem any intent to roleplay whatsoever.
Other than these questions, I don't have anything else to add to this currently and I will leave further replies up to the staff member that will handle the case and/or any other involved members.