Good evening, community.
I am here to announce that Blackdog has been relieved of his position as an Administrator here on Limelight for violation of the Staff Guidelines. There have been issues that we've been trying to fix for a long time, but unfortunately found this to be the end conclusion.
The purpose of this thread is not to disgrace him as a staff member, his work or talent but to announce that he's been removed from the Administrative team.
Even though he's been relieved of his position, we wish to give him the Veteran tag because of his extremely long record-track as a staff member, because of all the work he's done and to highlight the part he has played as a great resource internally in discussions and planning. Even though we might have had our disagreements I have only the highest respect for what he has done, and what role he has played for Limelight.
Thank you for your time as an Administrator, Blackdog. We wish you the very best.
<This thread has been locked pre-emptively to avoid flaming and drama.>