Your Name: Macca
Ban ID: 5247
Banned by: [L²:M] Bambo
Server: V2B
Ban Reason: Killing the president as SWAT. Was on last chance
Why should you be unbanned?: I have been banned for around 5 months now and distanced myself from roleplay and have had a lot of time to think about my previous actions and would like to make yet another UBR because the one I previously posted was brigaded and immediately denied without any consideration as to what I wrote and my apology.
You can see in the thread linked in evidence below that my previous request wasn't even read or acknowledged by the staff who chose to deal with the case, they instead went on to explain multiple times what I did was against he rules and that I should not be unbanned, a point I was not trying to contest. I know that what happened on my account is my responsibilty, I apologized then and am apoligizing now, I am not disputing the ban, I am not saying the ban was false like the staff who denied were trying to make it seem.
I am instead asking for another chance to be accepted into the community.
The request was denied due to a lack of interest yet I was responding to their same dead-response that it's my fault, once again, I pled no contest to that which they couldn't seem to let go.
#10 07-23-2017, 05:14 PM
Concluding the UBR with denial due to following reasons;
Showing no interest in continuing the UBR. I was responding, they were saying the same stuff over an over again, how does one expect a unique response to the same question over and over?
Not providing a reason for the ban to be raised. I apologized and was willing to discuss, they were not and were quick to shut me down.