The Kings Of The World Wide Business.
United Sales Industries originally started out as a small scale gun shop with only one store by the countryside of Los Angelo's. The store was ran by two people, Amy Turner and Jonathon Milosevic. Business was very bad. However , One day as the two owners were standing there waiting for customers but then they noticed a tinted window , brightly pink limousine by the front of their shop. Both of them looked at each other excited and waited to see what would happen. The sharply dressed man exited one fancy vehicle then they walked towards the store with one man in the middle and two on the sides all wearing suits. As they walked into the store they made Amy and Jonathon a deal. The man explained what would happen and what they would have to do.
[font=Courier New] Amy and Jonathon knew they were right so they decided to move location. The three men agreed. [/font]
[font=Courier New]The next month a briefcase arrived at the door by a smartly dressed man and that was Joseph Diply. He explained to them what the money was for and how they were meant to use it. When the man left Amy And Jonathon rushed to the kitchen and opened it to see what was inside they found $500,000 worth of $100 bills and they were extremely excited! So the company began to expand.[/font]
[font=Courier New][font=Courier New]Amy, Jonathon and Joseph built the company up to a multi-million dollar enterprise consisting of over 500 franchises in Evo City alone in just 12 years. Then [font=Courier New]in 2015 the company stumbled upon a pharmaceutical called Zepto Inc. United Sales Industries immediately negotiated and demanded for it to be renamed to United Sales Industries Pharmaceuticals. Now the United Sales Industries really began to expand![/font][/font][/font]
[font=Courier New][font=Courier New][font=Courier New]In the year 2016 they were doing really well but then stumbled upon a financial business , the owner was Jamie Frank and he offered them a joint business so then like the Zepto Inc they were renamed to Untied Sales Industries Limelight Financial. And as of that day the business has just grown and grown and grown![/font][/font][/font]
[font=Courier New][font=Courier New][font=Courier New]We are a large business that supply the people of Evo City with unique use full products for cheap and reliable prices. [/font][/font][/font]
We DO NOT use any AGGRESSIVE RP during our time role playing.
President: This person is the main man of the business he owns all the branches and is the boss of all.
Chief Financial Officer: This member of the team works for the financial branch and manages the entire team of that branch. This guy basically deals with money.
Manager: You are like the financial chief you are the manager of the entire branch you run and have full responsibility over the branch.
Assistant Manager: You assist the manager with his job and have responsibility as well. Help the manage run the branch.
Employee/Sales Representative/Pharmacist: You are a member of that branch and you just do your job and wait for your promotion to be given.
Chief Financial Officer: (Space Free)
[font=Trebuchet MS]Sales Representative(s): (Space's Free)[/font]
[font=Trebuchet MS]
[font=Trebuchet MS]Manager: (Space Free)[/font]
Assistant Manager: (Space Free)
Pharmacist(s): (Space's Free)
Manager: (Space Free)
Assistant Manager: (Space Free)
Employee(s): (Space's Free)
You Need Atleast 10hours Playtime
Active On Forums
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Know English
Mostly Passive
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Reason For Departure From Other Jobs:
Any Old Clan:
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I ___________ fully certify the information provided is the best of my knowledge and agree not to use
any aggresive rp during my time in the clan.