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Full Version: Lighting Packages for Vehicles
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(May 7, 2016, 06:46 AM)SirWulf Wrote: [ -> ]I like the options there.  +support, option 1 is probably my favorite.
Moved to Popular.
(May 7, 2016, 06:46 AM)SirWulf Wrote: [ -> ]I like the options there.  +support, option 1 is probably my favorite.
25 +support, and still not approved? how.
i would personally love to have this ingame
we could have for example first responder RP with an audi, or do speed enforcement with Nissans GTR or McLarens (Need For Speed style), paddy wagon RP with a sprinter and so on


+Support. This would be epic.
(Nov 6, 2016, 12:42 PM)francysol3c Wrote: [ -> ]25 +support, and still not approved? how.
i would personally love to have this ingame
we could have for example first responder RP with an audi, or do speed enforcement with Nissans GTR or McLarens (Need For Speed style), paddy wagon RP with a sprinter and so on
This is mainly for non-emergency light setups, or low profile emergency lights for High Ranking Officials to use. No unmarked emergency vehicles should be blasting down the street exceeding the speed limit.

In real life, most (good) agencies don't use unmarked vehicles for everyday calls, they're used more for higher ranking officials who MIGHT have to get somewhere quicker than normal traffic, and in that case they just use it to clear the road and intersections as they travel slightly faster than the civilian traffic.
Look at all those beautiful new cars that could get beautiful lighting setups for more RPs....

None of this /copcar stupidity, lets do it right!
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