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Full Version: Cuff Before Arrest
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Suggestion for <in-game/forum/teamspeak etc.>

Make it so that people must be handcuffed before being arrested.

In detail, explain your suggestion:

I got arrested today when trying to negotiate, I found it to be fail RP. I think it should be a requirement, I've never seen someone get arrested irl without cuffs on.

Why should this be implemented? 

Why not!? It promotes realism and forces some proper RP before you just shmack' em with your arrest baton.
Move to suggestions pls, this doesnt need to be confidential.
I really do think a suspect needs to be cuffed in order to be arrested.
inb4 denied because not following template
EDIT: ayyy template


Since this is a Serious RP server I think this really need to be implemented..
+ support
it really depends
i've seen people irl be arrested without cuffs
it really depends on how dangerous the person is going to be, if they ain't dangerous they don't need to be cuffed.
i do howevber agree that if you have a warrant on you and running from police, it is failrp to run up to you and smack you with arrest baton
Pages: 1 2