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+support and to whoever said criminalrp is less likely let's face it criminalRP is no RP it is having contra and robbing people.
+Support on the condition -> Lockpicks and Crowbars arn't shown, The whole point of stealing from cars is stealth, Also Pistols and small SMG's shouldn't be shown.

This will be a game changing addition if it gets approved. And a good one too.

Then you'd actually have to be discreet if you've got a big gun equipped. This would make a lot of roleplay situations a LOT more realistic!

Also support to this not applying to pistols/knifes, since they are small.
Modern rifles and shotguns are easy enough to bring down to length and conceal under a coat, but then again I'm also against people asspulling rifles on me when I'm trying to do my job as a police officer. 
+support, but maybe implement buyable metal detectors so that smaller weapons are still traceable without having to cuff the player.
(Jan 24, 2016, 10:34 PM)evilmat360 Wrote: [ -> ]+support, but maybe implement buyable metal detectors so that smaller weapons are still traceable without having to cuff the player.

True true. Added.
(Jan 23, 2016, 09:13 PM)UGGLAN Wrote: [ -> ]+support and to whoever said criminalrp is less likely let's face it criminalRP is no RP it is having contra and robbing people.

Yet only does criminal rp.

OT: +Support I feel as though this is a vital addon for the server to progress RP wise.
(Jan 24, 2016, 10:00 PM)Toxic Wrote: [ -> ]Modern rifles and shotguns are easy enough to bring down to length and conceal under a coat, but then again I'm also against people asspulling rifles on me when I'm trying to do my job as a police officer. 

I see where you're coming from and that is exactly why I added the bag part. In movies and videogames people often use this technique to hide their armament. I think there is a GTA 5 picture one of our community members use that depicts that.

Of course if it was possible to dismantle rifles in-game, we could go more in-depth, but that is a little bit too far from our reach right now.
+ Support

If everything is shown, no hidden weapons besides small knifes and pistols.

Suitcases should be able to hide the weapons, even high caliber snipers.
As long as G2 contender is considered as a pistol weapon and be hidden. + Support

Otherwise Neutral
+ Support

I like it but there should be a gun bag or backpack added to the game for like 50k-70k just to balance it out and of course cops have the right to check your bag if you are being detained.
(Jan 26, 2016, 06:22 PM)Trident3553 Wrote: [ -> ]+support 

I like it but there should be a gun bag or backpack added to the game for like 50k-70k just to balance it out and of course cops have the right to check your bag if you are being detained.
Just use the current models as now, the masked ones, as they have a bag, and are hidden. OT: +Support
Very good suggestion, will change the dynamic of the server, and thus the users experience.

+support, would be awesome.
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