Jan 23, 2016, 12:27 PM
Visual Equipment
Okay, so this is going to be a bit of a complex one.
A few days ago I was thinking about how and why is it so much easier to raid in CityRP than in real life.
After about 10 minutes I realized:
You can't hide your rifles in real life. (at least not that easily)
So I had this idea that why shouldn't we implement a system like this?:
1. Your currently equipped weapons/tools (like the fishing rod) appear on your back or in case of a secondary, small arms or melee weapons, on your belt or hidden.
2. As this would be too easy to bypass by equipping it right in the middle of the raid, you shouldn't be able to use the weapon, only 30 seconds after equipping it. Now I know that many of you are saying:
"But what happens if someone raids me? What if we are the good guys? We need to be ready!"
In real life people (or most likely the military) just wear their weapons on their backs if they want to be ready for fighting. If you are afraid of being raided, just equip your weapon prior. You can't just arse-pull an AR-15 if someone attacks you. If you want to be discreet, equip your secondary which is less likely to be seen.
3. Add a new item called the "athletics bag". People could wear this on their back as a backpack for different things, including money or to hide their weapons. This would, of course be very suspicious, but not enough reason to search, unless entering the Nexus. You could wear this outside before you start raiding. This would give a chance to raider as well, so it wouldn't ruin the gamemode for them.
4. Add metal detectors for a relatively high price such as 30,000$ / piece (can only place 2-4 down at the same time). Need any explanation?
I'm going to list a few situations where the unrealistic
nature of the current system caused many unfair situations:
1. People pulling out weapons after their are about to be arrested.
2. People just walking into a store and pulling a weapon out of their buttcheeks.
3. Minges pulling out a weapon in the middle of the street and start RDMing. (this is an OOC thing that I felt like couldn't be excluded)
4. Ordinary citizens pulling out their guns inside Nexus -once again- out of thin air.
This would add an extra layer of realism as well as something interesting for raiders as well, as they would need to phase and plan their assault, for example they would need to hide in the Nexus garage and equip their guns.
Weapons appear on your back or in a backpack
(secondary/small arms/melee = belt/hidden)
You can only use them 30 secs after equipping.
So let me know what you think in the comments down below and hit the like button if you liked the suggestion.
Keep calm and give constructive criticism. Peace.