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Full Version: [NOTICE] Regarding Mass-timeouts
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Dear community,

As we're sure some of you are aware, there is a bug on the servers which is causing mass-timeouts. Our development team is well aware of this issue and are currently investigating it. We previously put it down to the defibrillators, but seeing as the bug is still occurring after their temporary removal, it appears to be something else triggering the timeouts.

The servers will stay online but please be aware that your game may crash at random intervals.

We apologise for the inconvenience caused by this bug and hope to have a fix sorted soon.

-LL Staff
I was wondering why it was taking so long to join lel. Thanks for the update Nacreas!
A fix has been uploaded and we're going to boot the servers up again now. It may go down once more if we need to make any changes, but this should be fine now.
Servers now up.
Nice to see such a quick response to the problem. Keep up the good work!
Good job staff!
Garry did it again.
Something that will help the devs out is if those who crash can post below what was around them when the crash occurred (cars, map position, tools being used etc).

And, if anybody has a recording when the crash happens, that would also help.

After the "almost-crashes" the last thing written in the console is VehicleType:prop_vehicle_jeep:
Might be jsut a coincidence because that message is really common.

MDLCache: TDMCars\emergency\equipment\pushbar_6led.mdl needs to be recompiled
MDLCache: TDMCars\emergency\equipment\whelen_700s.mdl needs to be recompiled
MDLCache: TDMCars\emergency\equipment\small_led.mdl needs to be recompiled
MDLCache: TDMCars\emergency\equipment\fedsig_viper_dual.mdl needs to be recompiled
MDLCache: TDMCars\emergency\equipment\fedsig_viper.mdl needs to be recompiled

Edit: I just noticed player IDs are reaching 800s, which means the server hasn't crashed for a very long time. Mb this is a side effect of that? Timeouts only got really bad recently.
Thanks for the input, Overlewd. I'll pass it on the dev team.

General notice: Precision Alignment has been disabled until further notice.
What's weird, I've never crashed to the bug. I've been around people who has crashed, But I've never crashed, I don't get it.
I crashed when I was attempting to sell wood to the vendor on Rockford at 1:11 PM PST
I didnt see this thread till after I posted:

It states that 2 of us are crashing at the same times in the same places, The first time that it started was during a drive through industrial on Rockford.
Just had a mass crash, driving down Rockford mainstreet. Nothing out of the ordinary.
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