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Full Version: [NOTICE] Regarding Mass-timeouts
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like 40 people crashed when a car crashed
(Jan 23, 2016, 06:32 PM)General Rickets Wrote: [ -> ]like 40 people crashed when a car crashed

Is this going to happen all day long? Because I am starting to get sick and tired of my game crashing. I spent over 70 bucks on this bullshit, and I can't even play without crashing every 30 minutes. I'm pretty sure everybody that spent money on here feels the same way.
Looking at the crash logs most of them are related to vcmod
I strongly recommend you change your tone and stop being selfish. The world doesn't revolve around you. EVERYONE is having this issue and we are using all available resources to find a fix.
(Jan 23, 2016, 06:58 PM)General Rickets Wrote: [ -> ]I strongly recommend you change your tone and stop being selfish. The world doesn't revolve around you. EVERYONE is having this issue and we are using all available resources to find a fix.

I never stated that the world revolves around me. I also said that everybody else feels the same way, so please read before you start making accusations and assumptions.
To put it in simpler words: be patient as we are addressing the issue.
Comparing to other people's log just before a crash: I had a lot of LUA errors from and when it also crashed these lua things also came up, comparing to other people's log, they match, lonewolfie/lam_reventon.mdl
It doesn't matter who spent what. Everybody that plays the game is having issues. This is something that nobody could have prevented, sounds like an issue with the latest Gary's Mod update compounded with all of the updates and tweaks just equaled a mess.

The fact is, everyone that is able is working very hard to get this fixed. And you can help too by telling them what you were doing, what was around you at the time of the crashes. Every bit of evidence will help narrow down things to focus on.
Just remain calm boys as far as i know we arent alone.. This ''problem'' we got here came after a gmod update.. classic..

And our lovley devs are working theyr ass off to fix this.

Thanks for posting of whats happening when you are crashing! see any weird error messages in the console? Make sure to post them!

We are hopin that this will be fixed asap
Hay, this might not be the case but on my own server I have VCMod and photon. Mistake. For some reason the new gmod update makes them conflict each other. So i removed VCMod because personally like Photon more so i removed VCMod. Then no more problems. I would try this. This worked for my server, hope this works if you do try this.

Credits To Snarf For The Screenshot. (Soz For The Sweedish)
[Image: 5XYhZ1p.jpg]

Credits To PaulB for the previous Post.

Putting these too together I think it is a VCMod Conflict because VCMod works with TDM cars which would explain the Error from PaulB Also would explain why the car crashed Then the sever crashed thanks to the VCMod damage mod.
(Jan 23, 2016, 06:56 PM)Diekmann Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jan 23, 2016, 06:32 PM)General Rickets Wrote: [ -> ]like 40 people crashed when a car crashed

Is this going to happen all day long? Because I am starting to get sick and tired of my game crashing. I spent over 70 bucks on this bullshit, and I can't even play without crashing every 30 minutes. I'm pretty sure everybody that spent money on here feels the same way.

As far as I'm aware this isn't the only server who is also having these issues, go to other servers and spend your money there and you'll probably crash too. The difference is with here is that the devs will hopefully fix it soon. And all you gotta worry about is waiting.
We've disabled a few things on every production server (EU-33X, US-V1B). As I can tell, the servers are pretty stable since then.
There hasn't been any report recently.

Please report any further mass-timeouts in the bug section.  Thank you

Meanwhile we will work on fixing the problem.
Cheers Burnett
I could use some help from you guys who have time out a few times..

Basically post the .mdmp files from the crashes.

Located in here by default:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\GarrysMod

Just send it to me or any admin/dev in a private message so we can have a look at it.
You may use the "Hidden Reports" section aswell.
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