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Full Version: [NOTICE] Regarding Mass-timeouts
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I was near a squad car with lights activated.

Could it be a collision between VCMod and Photon? Whatever it is, it needs to be handled ASAP or else the server's population will go back down again.

As Toxic said, maybe see if it is being caused when someone tries to sell wood and the UI pops up or similar
I believe all props need to be recompiled

getting constant console errors from this and also upon spawning many props they come out invisible or some even come out as different props that Rock must be working on such as window walls and what not
Just crashed top floor slums appt while in a gun fight. I was SWAT.
Just crashed at the same time as above, driving on Broadway in my transit. Same circumstances as last.

Is it the map?
When i Joined earlier today I got a message saying vcmod eror something and then I crashed some moments later
Crashed driving in H1 down main ST as cop
I can tell you lot what I have told everyone else as well has Cameron earlier. FL had the same problem which they said they discovered why but not sure how to fix.(Only 1 dev) From what I can find these crashes have been happening since the new Garry's mod Update. From what I remember there was a new update to the vehicles. That may be an issue? Not sure. Although from what I can gather the new update is affecting the gamemode resulting into a crash.

Not sure if this can help any of the devs but like I said, I have pmed them and they said they will look into it.
(Jan 23, 2016, 01:29 AM)Midget HD Wrote: [ -> ]I can tell you lot what I have told everyone else as well has Cameron earlier. FL had the same problem which they said they discovered why but not sure how to fix.(Only 1 dev) From what I can find these crashes have been happening since the new Garry's mod Update. From what I remember there was a new update to the vehicles. That may be an issue? Not sure. Although from what I can gather the new update is affecting the gamemode resulting into a crash.

Not sure if this can help any of the devs but like I said, I have pmed them and they said they will look into it.

The devs first thought that the update: Vehicle.IsValid is renamed to Vehicle.IsValidVehicle might have been a caused the issue. That might the vehicle update you're referring to.
(Jan 23, 2016, 02:37 AM)George Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jan 23, 2016, 01:29 AM)Midget HD Wrote: [ -> ]I can tell you lot what I have told everyone else as well has Cameron earlier. FL had the same problem which they said they discovered why but not sure how to fix.(Only 1 dev) From what I can find these crashes have been happening since the new Garry's mod Update. From what I remember there was a new update to the vehicles. That may be an issue? Not sure. Although from what I can gather the new update is affecting the gamemode resulting into a crash.

Not sure if this can help any of the devs but like I said, I have pmed them and they said they will look into it.

The devs first thought that the update: Vehicle.IsValid is renamed to Vehicle.IsValidVehicle might have been a caused the issue. That might the vehicle update you're referring to.

Possible that may be the reason since my crash log had evolved TDM vehicles. There was quite a few changes and bug fixes though.
We fixed lots of backend stuff this night. Everything should be functional again
I crashed today, like 9-10 AM, my GMod almost never crashes, some of the logs that brought my attention:
1164(327.709468):  [GMC] WARNING: This addon may not work on the current gamemode: CityRP v2.1163(327.457161):  ERROR: Trying to derive entity sent_keypad_wire from non existant entity base_wire_entity!

1187(397.819601):  MDLCache: props_equipment\gas_pump.mdl needs to be recompiled

1134(321.204839):  1.63924992e+0141133(321.082370):  Warning: vgui.Create failed to create the VGUI component (DHTML)

1245(425.774716):  CMaterial::PrecacheVars: error loading vmt file for models/humans/suits/suit_sheet4

1129(311.407148):  SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/props_foliage/tree_pine_tall_01.mdl)

If you're interested; full crash log:
But how can this happen you guys spend weeks/months discussing and planning every update into 100% full detail???

Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh
(Jan 23, 2016, 02:48 PM)GRiiM Wrote: [ -> ]But how can this happen you guys spend weeks/months discussing and planning every update into 100% full detail???

Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh

The magical creature called "Garry"
(Jan 23, 2016, 02:48 PM)GRiiM Wrote: [ -> ]But how can this happen you guys spend weeks/months discussing and planning every update into 100% full detail???

Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh

Not everything can be done perfectly.  Problems will always occur, especially when we have to deal with Garry's updates breaking things.  That fact is, we have a dev team who are working their butt off to get it fixed.  As long as that happens Im happy Smile
Aye, our Devs have been working out their internal programming so much that we've had to send puppies their way.
Please, help us spur them on.

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