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Full Version: Concerning Fearless and possible hostilities
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They have silenced those who spoke out. Fearless has turned into North Korea, and they want "war".
They should replace their logo to this: [Image: North-Korea-Flag-jpg.jpg?format=rsss_2.0]
(Aug 28, 2015, 03:40 AM)JayJayFlutter link Wrote: [ -> ]snip

give over with your dramatic shit please?
(Aug 28, 2015, 03:42 AM)LivKX link Wrote: [ -> ][quote author=JayJayFlutter link=topic=1437.msg13578#msg13578 date=1440726044]

give over with your dramatic shit please?
[/quote] You might not have got that it was supposed to be humorous, not dramatic.
fair enough
(Aug 28, 2015, 03:38 AM)DanManC link Wrote: [ -> ]Don't let this slow the updates please... I like the updates.  Big Grin

Rest assured, this will not slow down anything updates will be coming out as soon as they are ready a big thanks to the Dev team.

Stay tuned guys, we've got plenty coming up!
Dont normally get involved in this stuff but Faustie you handled that like an adult, SoulRipper on the other hand not so much.

Isnt that what the admin abuse section is for? to bring out abuse?
I have to say that in several years of being at FL and then here, I have never seen an admin abuse forum completely locked before. That is a definite first.

I am rather surprised to see that every single veteran tag for LL staff has been stripped. We did not get involved with Wood's abuse case, yet the upper management at FL saw fit to strip us from the Hall of Fame. It's pretty disappointing. I may be with LimeLight now, but I still spent thousands of hours and a couple of years at FL, created nearly all of their security protocols, sorted dozens if not hundreds of admin issues, sorted hundreds of bans/blacklists, released around 20 updates, including some massive ones such as the weapons update, and was an SA twice, and an admin since 2012. According to the FL staff list now, I was none of that. The other admins have had their history stripped too, which I think is a damn shame; they did not deserve this.

Still, we move on. I just want to reassure you all that I the rest of LL's staff are continuing to strive for a peaceful resolution, and that updates won't be delayed at all because of this. If anyone has any questions or concerns regarding this situation, I am more than happy to answer them over PMs or on Steam. Thank you all for bearing with us during this situation.
[Image: 3bd.gif]
Is it to late to post this?  ???
"Lame Lights"? That gave me a good laugh.
Any attempt to resolve anything with FL seems futile. It seems any peaceful action to resolve matters is met with immaturity. Wood tried to post an Admin Abuse topic with what seemed to be valid evidence in a professional manner and gets permed. Seeing this pathetic display to protect his developer from this thread which he is clearly felt threatened by made me want to try to help. I didn't intend either community to get harmed because like many I still care for FL. I've spent countless hours as a player and as a member of staff trying to improve the community yet I also care for Limelight and its future. Therefore I posted the same abuse thread which should be thoroughly reviewed and evaluated before a final decision is met but surprise.. surprise... it is deleted and I got permed.

[Image: 3b8967ef4da1edab47571df1b9f6c0bf.png]

It just saddens me how things with FL have turned out. I've realised now that anything that anyone from Limelight does or says will simply be met with a pathetic response in order to shut it down; a prime example being Wood's abuse thread which was closed because apparently it was a "rant ". Personally, I think we should just leave them alone as best we can since they doe not have the respect to act peacefully or professionally.
It happened again, someone posted a admin abuse post on both Soul and Mavis in the Discussion thread, the admin abuse thread is locked for everyone right now.  That post was soon deleted and the poster banned.

Just sad, very sad and petty.
(Aug 28, 2015, 07:44 AM)SirWulf link Wrote: [ -> ]It happened again, someone posted a admin abuse post on both Soul and Mavis in the Discussion thread, the admin abuse thread is locked for everyone right now.  That post was soon deleted and the poster banned.

Just sad, very sad and petty.

That was me lmao. He deleted it because he knew he'd been caught
This is straight up hilarious. Who the fuck does he think he is?
this guy is so funny * Soul *
I am truly saddened and disappointed that dimplomacy has ended in this so called "war" I hope that Soul will resume diplomatic relations in the future as I'm sure none of us want a war between communities. I personally loved FL as I met most of the people I call friends there, I hope this so called war will not create any serious problems and hopefuly diplomacy can continue in the upcoming future.
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