Suggestion for <in-game/forum/teamspeak etc.>Ingame
In detail, explain your suggestion:
A command /911
This then gives the option to select "Police" "ambulance" or "Fire". You then specify the reason you need them and where
/911 Fire Fire at %l
Would return (to all government forces)
[911:Fire] Fire at Warehouses
Why should this be implemented?
A better working command than /request, and a more specific and target command as to what the person needs.
(Aug 8, 2015, 09:18 PM)Jamster link Wrote: [ -> ]Suggestion for <in-game/forum/teamspeak etc.>Ingame
In detail, explain your suggestion:
A command /911
This then gives the option to select "Police" "ambulance" or "Fire". You then specify the reason you need them and where
Why should this be implemented?
A better working command than /request, and a more specific and target command as to what the person needs.
Hmm, this would ruin dispatcher roleplays and would take longer to contact government if there was more than one service needed (eg. Car on fire with someone injured)
I don't think this is needed to be changed at all as the /request command works without any problem and what GRiiM said..
(Aug 8, 2015, 09:18 PM)Jamster link Wrote: [ -> ]Hmm, this would ruin dispatcher roleplays and would take longer to contact government if there was more than one service needed (eg. Car on fire with someone injured)
I believe this would be very clever indeed. +support
+Support much better then using /request
Or just change /request to /911?
After thinking about it, /911 makes a lot of sense. Here in the US it is the standard for emergency assistance. If you need help, you use 911. So
+support for switching /request to /911
It is also a few less letters/number to have to type, which could save that little time.
First of all +Support, ok this is bizarre and probably out of the question of what gmod could do, so if you did /911 a gui pops up Stating Select a Service (Police Department, Fire Department Ambulance) then theres a another gui screen which can be opened and closed at anypoint for Government jobs such as Police, Fire department Etc. so when someone does /911 a notification would pop up saying fire department needed and only sent to the firemen etc so a fireman responds and clicks accept then a Waypoint would pop up showing you the location of the Victim's Location. Crazy i know

(Aug 9, 2015, 06:14 AM)Onyx link Wrote: [ -> ]First of all +Support, ok this is bizarre and probably out of the question of what gmod could do, so if you did /911 a gui pops up Stating Select a Service (Police Department, Fire Department Ambulance) then theres a another gui screen which can be opened and closed at anypoint for Government jobs such as Police, Fire department Etc. so when someone does /911 a notification would pop up saying fire department needed and only sent to the firemen etc so a fireman responds and clicks accept then a Waypoint would pop up showing you the location of the Victim's Location. Crazy i know 
[b]-Support, I like for the calls to go to everyone so its easier to tell PD to respond with EMS ect.[/b]
+ / - Support
I'm on the fence about this one.
If, the command was /911 <F(fire)/P(police)/A(ambulance)(and you could put in multiple letters)> <Extra Detail>
Then I will support it.
+ / - Support
Like WildDorito I will +Support if you can do /911 f p a to get a hold of more than one service other wise it could be come harder to get a hold multiple services.
(Aug 9, 2015, 04:00 AM)SirWulf link Wrote: [ -> ]After thinking about it, /911 makes a lot of sense. Here in the US it is the standard for emergency assistance. If you need help, you use 911. So
+support for switching /request to /911
It is also a few less letters/number to have to type, which could save that little time.
^ This