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Full Version: Tracker
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Suggestion for Gamemode

In detail, explain your suggestion:
A purchasable tracking device for a vehicle which would display the location of the vehicle in correspondence with the location system.

Goverment vehicles would have trackers by default

Also a craftable item which would interrupt/break the tracker for a 15 minute period or until the owner drives the vehicle again. Or even allow the ECM Jammer to do this.

Why should this be implemented?
Makes chopshop RP riskier and allows a way to counter cars being stolen.
+supporting this shit
+Support %100, would be perfect for detective RP

Yes, yes, yes.

>mfw every time my car gets stolen and I don't know where it is
[Image: show-rage-o.gif]
ALL of my support.
[Image: sgk3r5.png]

+Support, baitcarRP
+ Support
Please! ;-;

big Support
+Support IF the tracker can be temporary disabled. Doing so would take a long time (lets say the time it takes to disarm your weapon modification.).

So, you would go to your chopshop and rush to get the tracker disabled, it will stay disabled till the owner retrieved the vehicle.

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