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This would go hand-in-hand with the GPhone and the pinging system already suggested.
But like I said in some of the previous threads, you're going to need some sort of map, like a birds-eye-view map of V2D or V33X or any other map, to put the trackers and points on.
Pushed through for developer review due to strong community backing.

Posted on another suggestion about a satnav type thing. Would be cool too add this!
+Support, would work well with current location system, for example just a simple command ./findmycar and will give location
+support, this is great, don't know how I overlooked this one before
+ Support
+Support Dis Nutz
Another Bumperino
Moving to finished as government tracker is live and a system for civilian/criminal trackers has been made by Spai. There's a thread in the community input section asking for ideas on how best to implement this.
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