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Full Version: Slow down hunger rate
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Explain your suggestion, in detail:
Slow down the rate of hunger

Explain why the suggestion should be implemented:
The hunger rate is pretty high currently and is quite a pain. I can't imagine how new players deal with it
Thank you for your suggestion, Welker!

It will take a while for it to be reviewed by our staff-members.
Meanwhile, expect some nice feedback from our community.
+ Support

It would be nice to also add a text popout when a certain threshold of hunger has reached ( >10% ..etc) that informs the player where the vending machines are and reminding them they need to eat.

The afformentioned suggestion is mainly for new players, having it coupled with /hintsoff would also be good
(Feb 10, 2025, 10:55 AM)Emc2 Wrote: [ -> ]+ Support

It would be nice to also add a text popout when a certain threshold of hunger has reached ( >10% ..etc) that informs the player where the vending machines are and reminding them they need to eat.

Easy enough to do

There’s an approved suggestion about re-adding hunger notifications but it’s untouched since 2019.

+support for slowing down hunger rate anyway

if i actually ate the way my gmod character did, id be fucking obese

I stay dying of hunger
+ Support

Protect Evocity lake marine life. Stop Evocity residents from consuming an American level of food.
Pushing for Staff Review.

Would be nice to have a saturation system, where eating certain food keeps your hunger filled for longer/overfills it, or reduced hunger drain for a while.

the rate is insanely high currently. I thought it was just my character.

We should decrease the rate while also adding notifications.
Also Daleys idea with having a dynamic hunger rate based on the food you eat is also a good idea.
(Feb 14, 2025, 11:59 AM)Burnett Wrote: [ -> ]+support

the rate is insanely high currently. I thought it was just my character.

We should decrease the rate while also adding notifications.
Also Daleys idea with having a dynamic hunger rate based on the food you eat is also a good idea.

Notifications are now live Smile

I also think Daley’s onto something there. Similar to Minecraft/PZ mechanics with saturation.
(Feb 14, 2025, 10:12 AM)Daley Wrote: [ -> ]Would be nice to have a saturation system, where eating certain food keeps your hunger filled for longer/overfills it, or reduced hunger drain for a while.

Obviously +support for hunger rate decrease. Too often will people stop in the middle of an RP and ask for snacks. 
Additionally, I heavily second Daley's suggestion here.

A saturation bar could be a hidden bar that when depleted, the main hunger bar starts to deplete. 
This creates a cool layer of depth to cooking and acquiring food. For example proteins, could be high on saturation, while carbs, like breads, etc., could be low. 
Makes choosing food a bit more interesting than "bigger number better" Smile
(Feb 14, 2025, 11:59 AM)Burnett Wrote: [ -> ]+support

the rate is insanely high currently. I thought it was just my character.

We should decrease the rate while also adding notifications.
Also Daleys idea with having a dynamic hunger rate based on the food you eat is also a good idea.

I also think ( if not in place ) the rate of hunger should depend on the player's movements; 

Standing still: Hunger doesn't drop rapidly
Jogging: Minor hunger decrease
Running: Slightly higher rate of hunger drop

I think that, coupled with Daley's suggestion would make a nice update to the hunger system
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