(Aug 2, 2020, 07:34 PM)Reebs Wrote: [ -> ] (Aug 1, 2020, 03:21 PM)Apex Wrote: [ -> ]I really don't see why staff aren't using warnings more right now considering the playerbase is literally averaging 0 throughout the day and peaking at 20 for about 10 mins; yet staff are still dishing out punishments like they have the playerbase to sustain such activities. Please consider more soft touch methods of enforcing rules because you will just kill whatever chance you guys have left of reviving the server.
(also consider that people are breaking rules because there is little to interact with on the server beyond other players.. a resource that is severely lacking right now).
I see your point however (and my views do not necessarily reflect the views of the whole staff team here) respectfully disagree.
That’s like saying if you broke a law and nobody found out, did you still break a law? The answer to that is a resounding yes.
If you are knowingly breaking the rules and trying to take advantage of the fact that the player count is low, honestly you should be punished.
A warning does nothing but puts it on record that you were spoken to.
Do you mean to also suggest that we should ignore terms of service and issue warnings for DAs or trying to crash the server? Do you also mean to suggest that we should just issue warnings for mass propkill etc? I’m sorry but I’m having a hard time understanding your logic here with this..
While your examples are a bit heavier I meant these little things. People killing themselves within their small party, meaning no other players are involved other than the people that are well... involved.
Mass propkilling or mass RDM, etc... should result in a harsh punishement.
But with the original example (or players just fucking around withing the radius of the other players that also fuck around and take part with it) shouldn't really end into a blacklist or a ban. A verbal warning even would've been enough to remind them "e.g.: hey, that's not a <battlefieldRP> server". Because the thing is when you screw around with other players that also screw around things tend to rock up, which was the case here.
It started with shooting melons, then balls and accidently hitting a bystander (that was part of the fuckery) and that led to a deathmatch between the involved players that all were content with it.
Now if they would've gone out and hunted for other players and RDMed them then it's a different thing, but just within their small circle it's in my opinion enough to just remind them, not even issue a warning. As I mentioned before, a verbal warning would've done it just fine.
(Aug 2, 2020, 07:34 PM)Reebs Wrote: [ -> ] (Aug 1, 2020, 03:21 PM)Apex Wrote: [ -> ]I really don't see why staff aren't using warnings more right now considering the playerbase is literally averaging 0 throughout the day and peaking at 20 for about 10 mins; yet staff are still dishing out punishments like they have the playerbase to sustain such activities. Please consider more soft touch methods of enforcing rules because you will just kill whatever chance you guys have left of reviving the server.
(also consider that people are breaking rules because there is little to interact with on the server beyond other players.. a resource that is severely lacking right now).
I see your point however (and my views do not necessarily reflect the views of the whole staff team here) respectfully disagree.
That’s like saying if you broke a law and nobody found out, did you still break a law? The answer to that is a resounding yes.
If you are knowingly breaking the rules and trying to take advantage of the fact that the player count is low, honestly you should be punished.
A warning does nothing but puts it on record that you were spoken to.
Do you mean to also suggest that we should ignore terms of service and issue warnings for DAs or trying to crash the server? Do you also mean to suggest that we should just issue warnings for mass propkill etc? I’m sorry but I’m having a hard time understanding your logic here with this..
Based on what little information I have (so my opinion may be invalid), it seems like a victimless "crime".
(Aug 3, 2020, 12:29 PM)Apex Wrote: [ -> ] (Aug 2, 2020, 07:34 PM)Reebs Wrote: [ -> ]I see your point however (and my views do not necessarily reflect the views of the whole staff team here) respectfully disagree.
That’s like saying if you broke a law and nobody found out, did you still break a law? The answer to that is a resounding yes.
If you are knowingly breaking the rules and trying to take advantage of the fact that the player count is low, honestly you should be punished.
A warning does nothing but puts it on record that you were spoken to.
Do you mean to also suggest that we should ignore terms of service and issue warnings for DAs or trying to crash the server? Do you also mean to suggest that we should just issue warnings for mass propkill etc? I’m sorry but I’m having a hard time understanding your logic here with this..
please don't take my points of context for the sake of justifying your opinion; clearly TOS and serious rule breaks do not merit merely a warning, I kind of figured that was implied and to be honest i'm not sure what that straw-man was meant to achieve.
With regards to your point about how rules are rules, etc. That would be fine and dandy in the real world and I agree people should be still held accountable, however. When your server is quite literally dying before your eyes and the population of which can barely even break what would be considered normally average you should consider extra tact when taking actions that might put people off playing.
And a warning shows someone has had a discussion about it yes, it shows they now know they should not do that; sometimes that is enough sometimes it is not, and you simply punish them more severely if they have been warned recently. Not every rule break deserves a punishment, not every rule-break is game ruining for the players.
But ultimately you guys are the staff and you steer the ship but on the other hand I know I'm not the only one who thinks the above.
Did not intend to take your points out of context so I apologize if it appears I have done so.
Most, if not all staff members can recognize the difference (using this case as an example) between banter thats gone a little too far vs malicious rule breaking. Now I’m not saying that whoever handled this was unable to recognize said difference, it is 100% possible (and probably more likely) that a punishment was issued due to prior records, experience, etc on top of what was happening.
I’ll be at work for the rest of the day and won’t be keeping an eye on this thread. If you’d like to talk further to me about it, my DMs on Discord are open.

If you're going to piss about, do it out of sight from other players.
If you do piss about and you get done for it ICly well that's your fault.
If you piss about and disrupt other people in a way which annoys them / malious expect to get a talking to.
Not everyone wants to join in with your mass rdm spree of your friends on main street. Doing it in the public view could give new players potentially a bad view on the server.
(Aug 4, 2020, 03:35 PM)Stell90 Wrote: [ -> ]If you're going to piss about, do it out of sight from other players.
so the entire map is okay to piss about on now right?
(Aug 4, 2020, 03:35 PM)Stell90 Wrote: [ -> ]If you're going to piss about, do it out of sight from other players.
If you do piss about and you get done for it ICly well that's your fault.
If you piss about and disrupt other people in a way which annoys them / malious expect to get a talking to.
Not everyone wants to join in with your mass rdm spree of your friends on main street. Doing it in the public view could give new players potentially a bad view on the server.
Why do I feel like this is directed towards me?
(Aug 5, 2020, 03:10 PM)Apex Wrote: [ -> ] (Aug 4, 2020, 03:35 PM)Stell90 Wrote: [ -> ]If you're going to piss about, do it out of sight from other players.
so the entire map is okay to piss about on now right?
No, doing it on mainstreet or in the town hall is not okay.
(Aug 5, 2020, 04:01 PM)Pat Wrote: [ -> ] (Aug 4, 2020, 03:35 PM)Stell90 Wrote: [ -> ]If you're going to piss about, do it out of sight from other players.
If you do piss about and you get done for it ICly well that's your fault.
If you piss about and disrupt other people in a way which annoys them / malious expect to get a talking to.
Not everyone wants to join in with your mass rdm spree of your friends on main street. Doing it in the public view could give new players potentially a bad view on the server.
Why do I feel like this is directed towards me?
It's not
Just don't do it, it may be fun but its wrong.
I did it with 2 other people on the SWAT floor and got blacklisted a few years ago.
Look at the state of this shit. Look at this latest PR on Russ, pop of probably what, 7 ppl maximum, some guy buys out an entire building and that's worth a PR?
What a fucking joke this place has become.
(Aug 6, 2020, 10:49 PM)livkx Wrote: [ -> ]Look at the state of this shit. Look at this latest PR on Russ, pop of probably what, 7 ppl maximum, some guy buys out an entire building and that's worth a PR?
What a fucking joke this place has become
haha! right!
Sorry for Telling you , He raided me with out reason!! haha!
and he has to check the rules! 7.1! haha!
he is lucky i didn't post PR on him for raiding me with out reason at all and when i asked him why did he raid me he told me ''yOu mUgGeD mY fRiEnd''
but the problem here is that his friend didn't give us any money so me and my bud killed him.
(Aug 8, 2020, 11:33 AM)brave soldier Wrote: [ -> ] (Aug 6, 2020, 10:49 PM)livkx Wrote: [ -> ]Look at the state of this shit. Look at this latest PR on Russ, pop of probably what, 7 ppl maximum, some guy buys out an entire building and that's worth a PR?
What a fucking joke this place has become
haha! right!
Sorry for Telling you , He raided me with out reason!! haha!
and he has to check the rules! 7.1! haha!
he is lucky i didn't post PR on him for raiding me with out reason at all and when i asked him why did he raid me he told me ''yOu mUgGeD mY fRiEnd''
but the problem here is that his friend didn't give us any money so me and my bud killed him.
Bruh just go fucking raid him back this is the most retarded conversation I've ever heard.
This is why this place died because everyone lost the way of having fun and instead started reading from a textbook. Just grow a pair and have a giggle, QQ you got raided, find a reason to go raid the little bitch back and teach him a lesson.
I'll post it again in this thread related from "
LL is dying cos of the shit community".
(Jun 2, 2020, 02:07 PM)Dick Wrote: [ -> ]LL is dying cos of the shit community. Tell me I am wrong.
- People literally hunt to yeet people off the server via Player Reports.
Let people fuck about. It's not ruining anyone's RP so why does it matter? Plus, seeing some players online may be an incentive for other people to connect. When the server gets a bit more busy start providing warnings and enforcing the rules.
Does it really matter if ALL the people involved are having fun? No. It doesn't - They aren't ruining other people's fun because there's nobody else online.
basically, don't be a party pooper or nobody will want to connect. Ruining the only fun there is on a dead server isn't going to revive it.