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Full Version: I'm caving, sue me. (Tasers and Tranq's)
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What the fuck are you on about you inactive bitch?
Listen fuck bois. I want us to do two things:

1. Remove tranq and tranq ammo from the market and move them to be a schematic that MUST be crafted.

2. Move tasers and their cartridges to the market and out of the crafting section.

Now hold the fuck on billy bob. I'm doing this for two reasons:

1. Tranqs are OP af and honestly needs some type of handicap. Why not use its stupid OP abilities (Until my tranq rework is done hehehe) to promote crafting more? Maybe even make it super fucking hard to make since it's an OP piece of hot garbage. If you didn't notice, I think the tranq is trash and if you use it, you're the equivalent of using a 725 and M4A1 with Overkill on the new CoD.

2. Tasers are a FAAAAARR inferior, but an effective less-lethal weapon that is currently too expensive to make and irrelevant when I can just buy a peashooter that can knock my ass out like the elephant I am. 

This way we get rid of (more like suppress) an OP weapon in favor of the taser, a less powerful, yet effective weapon. Balancing PvP and promoting crafting more in the process

Vote you fuckin' nerds before I use my abusive powers to suck Doc Internet's dick and become overlord of LL

Very gud. Excellent idea. I only wish other intellectuals like us were on the same page good sir.
(Nov 13, 2019, 11:59 PM)Gungranny Wrote: [ -> ]+Support 

Very gud. Excellent idea. I only wish other intellectuals like us were on the same page good sir.

[Image: HcMJgpG.gif]

EPIC +Support
[Image: giphy.gif]

+ Support
Gungranny, is everything alright? Do you want me to call someone?
you alright


if you use a tranq you are the definition of a shit pvper and should feel bad. 

Haha epic
How much salt do you produce, daily?
very good yes +support
(Nov 14, 2019, 02:17 AM)Jeff Ford Wrote: [ -> ]How much salt do you produce, daily?

More than your 20 page laws. Now +Support and gtfricko loser
(Nov 14, 2019, 05:05 AM)Gungranny Wrote: [ -> ]
(Nov 14, 2019, 02:17 AM)Jeff Ford Wrote: [ -> ]How much salt do you produce, daily?

More than your 20 page laws. Now +Support and gtfricko loser

Damn. More salt. You just keep going.

+ Support for making the taser purchasable - would make it a good alternative for less-lethal self defense, and if given some tweaks to fit civilians, could work pretty well I reckon.

However - While the most utter BS thing that's happened to me is someone tranquilizing me, running up, and proceeding to turn my head into a sieve with some buckshot - I don't think making the tranquilizer crafted only is the solution. As the tranq is rn in it's current state, it'd make sense. But a rework'd be a better option, rather than just making it harder to get.

Idk man just my 2 cents
This I can support more than the other suggestion. Instead of killing a player market dead, it opens up a new one.
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