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Full Version: Resignation of Toxic
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You are obviously someone who made a great impact on keeping the servers safe and fun to play on. With all the feedback given by others, you should feel proud of what you have accomplished while being here. Thank you for the hard work and congratulations on receiving the veteran tag. You really deserved it!
I could say im sad but i not , but you know you are my little annoying brother who i sometimes wanna beat till u shut up , anyway sad to see you leaving , ill be always here for you my little man!
(Feb 12, 2019, 11:14 PM)The Rock Wrote: [ -> ]I could say im sad but i not , but you know you are my little annoying brother who i sometimes wanna beat till u shut up , anyway sad to see you leaving , ill be always here for you my little man!

Cry Cry Cry
Though I don't play anymore, and though I don't post alot on the forums anymore. I think it's important for me to say that you did alot for this community, thank you for your service.
Goodbye, Toxic
i'd bounce out too if i didn't get promoted in like 20 months or however long lmao
I didn't get to see you much, and I've been dropping the ball with giving jackets but like the grim reaper I'm here with your jacket

*Gives jacket*

Welcome aboard, gratz on the promotion you're with the cool kids now.
(Feb 13, 2019, 10:16 AM)Preditor Wrote: [ -> ]I didn't get to see you much, and I've been dropping the ball with giving jackets but like the grim reaper I'm here with your jacket

*Gives jacket*

Welcome aboard, gratz on the promotion you're with the cool kids now.

I've been waiting for this moment for a long time ngl
(Feb 12, 2019, 09:58 AM)Faustin Wrote: [ -> ]Very worth deveating from the normal, well deserved Toxic.

‍ guess he shattered your mod record by what... 18 months?

Jesus, how'd he manage that? Did he shag Enzyme's girlfriend?
I want to do some FireRP with you. I need to learn all I can from you before you leave forever.
Alas, no S2

This is a big decision you’re making here. I’ve already spoken to you so you know how I personally feel about it, but putting all of that emotion aside I’m immensely proud of you and everything you were able to accomplish. 

Toxic, the county’s showing you clear and available, command terminated. 

Take care brother.
‍ I can officially say it and mean it...TYFYS
Wow ... It has been a very very long time now. Good luck!
‍ Get wrecked with facts and logic libtard

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