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Full Version: Resignation of Toxic
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Still having some videos saved where you yell at me. Good memories Smile
(Feb 12, 2019, 09:15 AM)Night Wrote: [ -> ]It's been nothing short of a pleasure working with you Tox. All the best.

The pleasure was all mine, despite the pisstaking Tongue
Now who is going to hunt the chinless on discord with me.

Take care Toxic, good luck with everything you have planned
You migh've been the LL meme for 'is he not promoted to s2 yet?' but you did a good job and we not only saw you as a meme but as a good staff member aswell

Good luck with life out there.
‍ you really weren't my favorite staff member, but it's still sad to see a very respected staff member/player leave/resign

but still, good luck on being a veteran I guess?
I know we’ve not always seen eye to eye toxic, but honestly tho mate thanks for everything
The veteran tag is definitely deserved. All the best in the future!

I hope I will still see you on the server from time to time.
Sad to cya go toxic, thanks for the all the Fun RP's you have set up for the community, Good luck on where life takes you from here on out! Well deserved vet tag!
I don't think we've ever met, but you seemed like a good staff member and guy in general. Shame to see you go but thank you for the hard work and effort. Best of luck in the future!
Welcome to the veteran club, we've got jackets.
Wonderful to see you get the veteran tag, really deserved!

You've done a great job serving the community as a moderator. While I personally do not play anymore I can see many players missing you!
Well deserved Veteran tag, while I don't even play or have ever encountered you, you clearly had a good impact on LL over the last 2 and a half years, take care, and enjoy the retirement home.
Thank you for everything toxic. We never really spoke much but still, have a good one out there in the real world whatever that is
Oh man, where do I even start?...

From being pretty much the first person here to reach out to me, compliment me on my roleplaying as a "low-houred player", as well as inviting me to a clan that was wildly active around the community with even more roleplay possibilities and custom built dupes and guiding me around/showing me the ropes on Limelight, to being a good friend who I also communicate outside of the community with about both general (nonsense) and work related things.

It sucks to see you go as someone who was also there now and then to chase people around with and making sure Limelight was a fun, enjoyable and roleplay-friendly environment, but work, education, 'real-life' in general is always more important and I can't say I haven't thought of this happening to me at some point either.

I am glad to hear you're sticking around and popping on whenever you do have time. You definitely earned your veteran tag. See you around!
One of the only staff members that actually made me feel like breaking rules has consequences back in the day. Cheers for screaming at me a couple times; it's a reason why my record is pretty short.
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