Jul 18, 2018, 04:02 PM
Reported Players: [L²:RP][F.I] ForceGhost (STEAM_0:1:8701341) () , [L²:RP] Cole (STEAM_0:0:88974383) () , [L²:RP] Vadar (STEAM_0:1:56701992) ()
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-Jul-18 14:00
Summary: Forceghost, Vadar and Cole were arrested by the police for throwing cones at us while we were making an arrest. They were obviously rather unhappy about this.
After this, myself and were told to go to the town hall and they came to the town hall wearing masks and was invited in by the President for a meeting. The President said that he had received complaints and asked Doctor Internet to give his side of the story, then us to give ours. During this meeting, out of nowhere, Forceghost, Cole and Vadar ran in with guns and masks (it is worth noting that Doctor Internet was part of their gang and wearing a mask, however we are unsure of whether or not he participated in the raid) and demanded that everybody put their hands up. Under fearRP, we complied and were put up against the wall.
After some taunting and etc myself and Kvatch were both shot dead.
This is a vast overreaction to a small arrest.
Rule 12.1 states that you can only raid the President with a valid reason to do so; the rule itself states that you should not raid the President "as retaliation for being arrested by the police due to your own actions". Even if these three raided with the intention of executing myself and Kvatch for arresting them, they still raided the President by coming into town hall and cuffing the President and others, holding them at gunpoint.
Rule 3.1 states that you need to have an in-character reason for your actions. It says the action needs to be appropriate to the reason. You do not raid the President, hostaging several police officers, secret service agents and the President himself simply to execute two officers because you threw cones at them. This is not valid and is a complete overreaction.
Evidence: (screenshots by Kvatch proving the identity of the raiders)
![[Image: B71DDD17788B9E85ED1213A0E727920BC29E3B1B]](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/931567283141412003/B71DDD17788B9E85ED1213A0E727920BC29E3B1B/)
![[Image: C0D5C2F8BD1AFCEFB22815E39AAF83FC23BB6F0D]](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/931567283141412989/C0D5C2F8BD1AFCEFB22815E39AAF83FC23BB6F0D/)
Identifiable by his contributor tag and profile picture - this is Vadar.
![[Image: 8D71D074E4891D8211F7B4496EF4445AA8031703]](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/931567283141412677/8D71D074E4891D8211F7B4496EF4445AA8031703/)
This is Cole.
![[Image: 32FB7FDF27D216B1D4A3B10FF25619FC57917D41]](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/931567283141412416/32FB7FDF27D216B1D4A3B10FF25619FC57917D41/)
As you can see from the scoreboard Forceghost, Vadar and Cole were the only masked ones online.
General screenshots of the raid taking place;
![[Image: FC0786AF250C808A31B9074443DD9BF3F3927BBF]](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/922560083886739056/FC0786AF250C808A31B9074443DD9BF3F3927BBF/)
![[Image: 484BC66BDB6178454BA3EA922009E35E0C6402BE]](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/922560083886751663/484BC66BDB6178454BA3EA922009E35E0C6402BE/)
![[Image: 2FBCF0D17EF33A0759C0D2BE607BFF180E8EAF8E]](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/922560083886752081/2FBCF0D17EF33A0759C0D2BE607BFF180E8EAF8E/)
![[Image: 7DE176D6E35E3BAC196D2F2506C2B62E185A6414]](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/922560083886753160/7DE176D6E35E3BAC196D2F2506C2B62E185A6414/)
![[Image: AD12F1EE1A218A38606E9148D94B2B719543F822]](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/922560083886753584/AD12F1EE1A218A38606E9148D94B2B719543F822/)
Screenshots of them executing myself and Kvatch for no real reason;
![[Image: F3142C7004A4A37EAD618794A138B49888D50BD0]](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/922560083886753974/F3142C7004A4A37EAD618794A138B49888D50BD0/)
![[Image: 41B5793A44496D324895BE6382370DC82F1C8631]](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/922560083886754657/41B5793A44496D324895BE6382370DC82F1C8631/)
As you can see from the chat, I was trying to negotiate with them for a peaceful solution, however they were not willing to go peacefully about it.
![[Image: 1E2670C0DEEE524045BCC32693ED34AC48D178E3]](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/922560083886754395/1E2670C0DEEE524045BCC32693ED34AC48D178E3/)
![[Image: 5A027B5146E39063C3A800CB2A460EDE378F0394]](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/931567283141413527/5A027B5146E39063C3A800CB2A460EDE378F0394/)
![[Image: D3D3924C0AAA44C10397894AF95F3B012F5E8F76]](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/931567283141413765/D3D3924C0AAA44C10397894AF95F3B012F5E8F76/)
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-Jul-18 14:00
Summary: Forceghost, Vadar and Cole were arrested by the police for throwing cones at us while we were making an arrest. They were obviously rather unhappy about this.
After this, myself and
After some taunting and etc myself and Kvatch were both shot dead.
This is a vast overreaction to a small arrest.
Rule 12.1 states that you can only raid the President with a valid reason to do so; the rule itself states that you should not raid the President "as retaliation for being arrested by the police due to your own actions". Even if these three raided with the intention of executing myself and Kvatch for arresting them, they still raided the President by coming into town hall and cuffing the President and others, holding them at gunpoint.
Rule 3.1 states that you need to have an in-character reason for your actions. It says the action needs to be appropriate to the reason. You do not raid the President, hostaging several police officers, secret service agents and the President himself simply to execute two officers because you threw cones at them. This is not valid and is a complete overreaction.
Evidence: (screenshots by Kvatch proving the identity of the raiders)
Identifiable by his contributor tag and profile picture - this is Vadar.
This is Cole.
As you can see from the scoreboard Forceghost, Vadar and Cole were the only masked ones online.
General screenshots of the raid taking place;
Screenshots of them executing myself and Kvatch for no real reason;
As you can see from the chat, I was trying to negotiate with them for a peaceful solution, however they were not willing to go peacefully about it.