Well then there's especially no issue. They could have seen people walking around in masks ICly and thought that those people might be up to no good or encountered them before in criminal activity and thought it'd be better for policing if everyone wasn't allowed to walk around with masks on.
Since you mentioned speeding and requesting law changes to arrest people (implying on more than this one occasion), I would ask if you have any more evidence you consider relevant that might show the accused player FailRPing or doing anything else against the rules. If not, this will be concluded. Will also be concluded in 24 hours if no response is given.
(Jun 11, 2017, 08:01 PM)Overlewd Wrote: [ -> ]In regards to the laws, just asking for laws to change is fine, asking for laws to change and then immediately arresting someone as soon as the law comes out may be considered FailRP/Powergaming.
did you end up arresting them for wearing masks?
No, the president did not make them illegal so they were not arrested.
What you say about them being suspicious was true, we were mainly watching them because we had arrested them multiple times before
I'll look for more evidence, I've exams this week so may be a few days
(Jun 11, 2017, 11:17 PM)Vimpto Wrote: [ -> ]I'll look for more evidence, I've exams this week so may be a few days
Evidence of what?????????????????
Rule breakage otherwise why would I look for evidence
(Jun 12, 2017, 12:03 AM)Vimpto Wrote: [ -> ]Rule breakage otherwise why would I look for evidence
ur silly
There was no call for that
Please keep the PR discussion to the point and free of useless comments.
OP has 48 hours to provide additional evidence. If no additional evidence is provided the PR will be concluded and the OP will be requested to make another PR should they find any evidence at a later time.
Denied/Reverse approved.
The accused not found in violation of any rules in the given evidence. No additional evidence was provided in the time given. If further evidence potentially showing the accused breaking server rules is found, the OP is requested to make another PR.
The OP was found in violation of FearRP by driving away while under FearRP (guns on safety apply FearRP). Due to a completely clean record and the fairly recent addition of the "guns on safety" remark in the FearRP rule a Permanent warning will be issued.