[b]Name of Player:[/b] Sourlemon
[b]SteamID: [/b]STEAM_0:1:34190735
[b]Server: [/b] v4b1 EU
[b]Time: [/b] 8:10PM GMT
[b]Summary:[/b] Getting president to make laws to go around and arrest everyone as they spot me
and oliver in a mask they ask the president to make a law against masks then run off.
Ive been told about this not being allowed
[b]Evidence:[/b] Who did it:
requesting masks to be illegal:
Thank you for your player-report, Vimpto.
It will take a while for it to be reviewed by our staff-members.
Meanwhile, the accused player and witnesses may reply to this report.
which rule was violated here?
you also somehow new we where on the other side of the wall when in reality you couldnt see over it unless you stood on a car or something
* SourLemon stands on the fucking hill right next to the wall
(Jun 10, 2017, 09:24 PM)Vimpto Wrote: [ -> ]you also somehow new we where on the other side of the wall when in reality you couldnt see over it unless you stood on a car or something
bro we were literally standing on the hill looking at you
may i ad that you wherebeing corrupt and your job title doesnt state you are corrupt
(Jun 10, 2017, 09:37 PM)Vimpto Wrote: [ -> ]may i ad that you wherebeing corrupt and your job title doesnt state you are corrupt
Lern 2 typ pls
(Jun 10, 2017, 09:37 PM)Vimpto Wrote: [ -> ]may i ad that you wherebeing corrupt and your job title doesnt state you are corrupt
How were we being corrupt?
making the president make laws in order to arrest us and street racing around
Ill be adding a video to this report soon
If racing around especially in front of civilians, stalking people, trying to get certain people arrested by creating laws isn't corrupt I don't know what is.
12.12b we where not armed we where not endangering anyone either we where simply reversing from you.
You also broke fearrp, but that's none of my business
Also what rule says corruption isn't allowed?
we where not told to get out but you simply told us to get out wallet, not to stay still or anything and your guns where pointing down