Suggestion for <in-game>:
In detail, explain your suggestion: Grant the ability to spawn in 1 human ragdoll for Players with Gen Rep 4+
Why should this be implemented?
Have you ever considered how it would be if you could spawn a Ragdoll that supports your RP ?
Well, here are some benfits and downsides to let Players spawn one Ragdoll.
As a first point Players could spawn it to do unrealistic things or just derp around with it. Like spawning it and abusing the Ragdoll physics to fly it around randomly or get it stuck in a ground.
However it is great for RP's you could spawn it in and make it a crime scene or a place that tells a tragic story with certain positioning of the Ragdoll (Nothing sexual related)
But players could also use it to bait cops or do stuff that is just failRPish. Like making it a statue and spawning a gun prop so people will shoot at it. But the acces could be just taken away by an staff member then. (And perhaps threaten with a loss of REP)
As a final Point it could create so much stories (like mentioned earlier) spawning it, creating a crime scene or a view of a tragic family distaster.
All in all, i think its a good idea to add this as it creates many RP possibilites.
although this is a descent idea I don't believe that ragdolls will be a good idea due to the mingery fail rp and abuse of this ragdoll however ragdolls can be placed by admins/moderators and could be used for the rp I don't belie that people should be allowed to spawn them in and this should be left to be desided and set up by an admin
and finaly the regular 42 players gives of a low enough fps as is as well as players buildings/houses adding the ability to sapwn in a ragdoll will only add to the performance issues as well the can be said for all people as I have a computer which I will not specify internals which can run games such as arma3 with everything on max on a 112 player server at over 120fps but with limelimeght because of it being unoptimised it is diffiucult to sustain a descent fps
However 4 REPs is wayyyyyyyyyy to low, I would suggest something maybe around 8-12
(May 26, 2017, 08:37 PM)LONEWOLFGAMER6 Wrote: [ -> ]-support
although this is a descent idea I don't believe that ragdolls will be a good idea due to the mingery fail rp and abuse of this ragdoll however ragdolls can be placed by admins/moderators and could be used for the rp I don't belie that people should be allowed to spawn them in and this should be left to be desided and set up by an admin
and finaly the regular 42 players gives of a low enough fps as is as well as players buildings/houses adding the ability to sapwn in a ragdoll will only add to the performance issues as well the can be said for all people as I have a computer which I will not specify internals which can run games such as arma3 with everything on max on a 112 player server at over 120fps but with limelimeght because of it being unoptimised it is diffiucult to sustain a descent fps
It requires 4+ general Reps. Certainly not all 42 players have them.
(May 26, 2017, 08:47 PM)Nebula Wrote: [ -> ] (May 26, 2017, 08:37 PM)LONEWOLFGAMER6 Wrote: [ -> ]-support
although this is a descent idea I don't believe that ragdolls will be a good idea due to the mingery fail rp and abuse of this ragdoll however ragdolls can be placed by admins/moderators and could be used for the rp I don't belie that people should be allowed to spawn them in and this should be left to be desided and set up by an admin
and finaly the regular 42 players gives of a low enough fps as is as well as players buildings/houses adding the ability to sapwn in a ragdoll will only add to the performance issues as well the can be said for all people as I have a computer which I will not specify internals which can run games such as arma3 with everything on max on a 112 player server at over 120fps but with limelimeght because of it being unoptimised it is diffiucult to sustain a descent fps
It requires 4+ general Reps. Certainly not all 42 players have them.
what I'm trying to mention is the performance issue with the ragdoll. though as ragdolls do have a a lot of texturing and physics so that will also account towards the isues
+Support, I always stuggle making a mannequin in my clothingshop.
+Support 4-5 General REPs seem enough.
(May 27, 2017, 04:26 PM)Rizion Wrote: [ -> ]+Support 4-5 General REPs seem enough.
Why everything needs to be REP locked? I think there is other solutions. (I know it can be abused but stilllllllll)
OT: +Support, new RP possibilities. I have also made explosion RP's and that's shit when there are no admins or you need to make them yourself.
One major thing I've noticed while being a regular player is the lack of tools available. You have no idea how many times I've wanted to spawn an emitter or ragdoll to enhance the roleplay in certain situations. We've had this issue over the past couple years in City RP the whole "RP Tools will be abused" - Yes, anything can be abused. We shouldn't limit our players by constantly claiming that someone could abuse it, people abuse cars, weapons, and any tool we offer in-game. You simply need to administrate it, and in this case, having a REP limit will probably reduce abuse by like 95%.
(May 26, 2017, 08:47 PM)Faustin Wrote: [ -> ]+Support
However 4 REPs is wayyyyyyyyyy to low, I would suggest something maybe around 8-12
12 Reps? So 19 players are able to use them. 5 or more arent active or much active.
5 Reps are enough. Why dont put a playtime restriction in? 600/800 hours lock should do it.
(May 29, 2017, 03:58 PM)Vauld Wrote: [ -> ]+Support,
One major thing I've noticed while being a regular player is the lack of tools available. You have no idea how many times I've wanted to spawn an emitter or ragdoll to enhance the roleplay in certain situations. We've had this issue over the past couple years in City RP the whole "RP Tools will be abused" - Yes, anything can be abused. We shouldn't limit our players by constantly claiming that someone could abuse it, people abuse cars, weapons, and any tool we offer in-game. You simply need to administrate it, and in this case, having a REP limit will probably reduce abuse by like 95%.