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(Mar 24, 2017, 08:39 PM)General Rickets Wrote: [ -> ]Shit happens, what can ya do?

You can make a #prayforlondon
I think this just shows that mass surveillance doesn't work at preventing terrorism. This guy was known to the government and it didn't stop the attacks from happening.
(Mar 24, 2017, 09:10 PM)Zeyon Wrote: [ -> ]I think this just shows that mass surveillance doesn't work at preventing terrorism. This guy was known to the government and it didn't stop the attacks from happening.

What about the 13 other attacks which were foiled in the last year?

Definitely doesn't work..
(Mar 24, 2017, 09:17 PM)Jono Wrote: [ -> ]
(Mar 24, 2017, 09:10 PM)Zeyon Wrote: [ -> ]I think this just shows that mass surveillance doesn't work at preventing terrorism. This guy was known to the government and it didn't stop the attacks from happening.

What about the 13 other attacks which were foiled in the last year?

Definitely doesn't work..

I think he means we should just go full socialist and install big brother.

1984 is fictional literature, not a fucking instruction manual.
Absolutley horrible. My thoughts go out to all of those affected, and to the police officer who was fatally stabbed.
It's sad to see how muslims are being portrayed as bad people, only because a bunch of absolutely braindead people are indoctrinating them into believe that blowing up a bus will get them in heaven.

Shit happens. There are no measures for this kind of acts. To all brits (and anyone else who this may concern): don't worry about getting killed by a bomb every single day. We have to live our lives, and apparently life includes having bombs exploding in your face.

Stay safe.
I was visiting Portcullis house to see a friend of my family's literally 24 hours before it happened. My mom took a picture of Big Ben at 2pm on the 21st. I was even joking around with her telling her that it's 'suspicious behaviour' (there's a million signs in Portcullis about reporting anything like that) - and then this happens the very next day.

The family friend was on lockdown until 9PM.

Then came all the heightened security at airports, which let me tell you, isn't fun - I'm glad my brother wasn't with us as he would've been profiled to shit. Arrived with my laptop in my hand luggage but had to put it into my suitcase on the way back because my flight stops in Dubai, which is one of the 'watchlist' countries. 
Arriving in France for a quick holiday, we were documented and recorded whereas the other passengers were stamped and free to go. At every airport bar Edinburgh, we were flagged for security and pat-downs (only once did the metal detector go off, the rest were manual selections). Not fun. Quite embarrassing, actually.
All my thoughts go towards everyone that has been in situations like this.

But there isn't alot that we can do but drink tea and carry on living our daily lifes and hope the police start taking more action on these types of people.
A good piece by Adam Hills, on The Last Leg about this entire event.

Mild NSFW / Swearing.

We've been fighting for peace and unity for years, and it shouldn't come down to a few cockends ruining it for the rest of us.

A couple of religious nutters is not a reason to ban a religion, the same way a couple of far-right nutters is not a reason to ban conservatives.
(Apr 4, 2017, 06:13 PM)Doctor Internet Wrote: [ -> ]We've been fighting for peace and unity for years, and it shouldn't come down to a few cockends ruining it for the rest of us.

A couple of religious nutters is not a reason to ban a religion, the same way a couple of far-right nutters is not a reason to ban conservatives.

Sure, you have been fighting for peace and "unity" for years but where has this brought you? To a utter and complete mess. Unity will never become a reality in multicultural communities.

I agree with the bolded text, btw. Religions should not be banned but foreign influences and religion should not replace the domestic one.
(Apr 6, 2017, 08:15 PM)Humla Wrote: [ -> ]
(Apr 4, 2017, 06:13 PM)Doctor Internet Wrote: [ -> ]We've been fighting for peace and unity for years, and it shouldn't come down to a few cockends ruining it for the rest of us.

A couple of religious nutters is not a reason to ban a religion, the same way a couple of far-right nutters is not a reason to ban conservatives.

Sure, you have been fighting for peace and "unity" for years but where has this brought you? To a utter and complete mess. Unity will never become a reality in multicultural communities.

I agree with the bolded text, btw. Religions should not be banned but foreign influences and religion should not replace the domestic one.

Haha oh boy, here we go again.

I completely agree with your first point. Unity will never be a reality in this country, especially after these attacks.

I mean, we're just too divided in this country.

Even the Daily Mail, a right-wing tabloid rag completely unbiased source, was reporting on the Muslims cheering the attacks.

Ending the sarcasm here, you say that foreign religions shouldn't replace domestic religion? According to the ONS's report into religiosity in the UK, whilst the influence of Christianity is decreasing (with a decrease of 12.4 percentage points between 2001 and 2011), Islam's influence has only increased by 1.8 percentage points. The greatest attack on our "domestic religion" is Atheism... (Increasing by 10.3 percentage points, nearly six times as much of an increase than that of Islam).

Realistically, in the UK, we're working well towards peace and unity. Sure, some moronic idiot killed 4 people, and injured 50. But then again, the same day, 5 people died in car crashes, and 510 people were injured (Source -

Furthermore, if we study Davie's work on Religious Fundamentalism, we see that Fundamentalists aim to create a "us vs them" mentality (The Sociology of Religion: A Critical Agenda - Grace Davie, 2013). Looking into this, I personally see that the way to attempt to resolve local fundamentalism is to increase integration, and prevent the establishment of their "islands of certainty against social and cultural chaos." If we do that, and prevent home-grown extremists, that that helps both us and them.

Another point I could make would to be to reference Armstrong, who's study into hatred of the west showed that generally, fundamental Islam was not the main cause of hatred against the West, rather the foreign policy of the West to Middle-Eastern countries was one of the main causes (The War We Should Fight - Karen Armstrong, 2001) (Fields of Blood - Karen Armstrong, 2015), stemming from multiple events, from the propping up of Western aligned leaders, through to causing multiple wars and instability in their countries.

Overall, attitudes such as your own, where we should isolate Islam from the UK, with it being "Un-British" or an "Attack on Our Society" or another Hopkins-esc attack is part of the cause of home-grown fundamentalism in the West.

We should always stand up to terrorism and fundamentalism, I agree. But decrying Islam as evil, and baring it from the public discourse is not the way to resolve it.
(Apr 4, 2017, 06:13 PM)Doctor Internet Wrote: [ -> ]A good piece by Adam Hills, on The Last Leg about this entire event.

Mild NSFW / Swearing.

We've been fighting for peace and unity for years, and it shouldn't come down to a few cockends ruining it for the rest of us.

A couple of religious nutters is not a reason to ban a religion, the same way a couple of far-right nutters is not a reason to ban conservatives.

This is also good:

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