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Full Version: 31 August - Airport Hostage Rescue RP
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(Apr 11, 2017, 10:19 PM)IsThisaNewFLRP? Wrote: [ -> ]For the flight attendants, please watch the following videos
( , , )

1. Qantas in-flight safety video:

2. AirFrance safety video:

3. American Airlines Safety Video:

4. Delta safety video:, and

Hey, at least you didn't link United Airlines although American Airlines also is troubled these days.

The preparation looks nice.

I'm going to throw in 50k to the player who takes the best screenshot in the event. Every event should have photos that show an idea of the event to those who couldn't be there and to remind us of the experience we had.
(Apr 26, 2017, 11:00 PM)Bambo Wrote: [ -> ]
(Apr 11, 2017, 10:19 PM)IsThisaNewFLRP? Wrote: [ -> ]For the flight attendants, please watch the following videos
( , , )

1. Qantas in-flight safety video:

2. AirFrance safety video:

3. American Airlines Safety Video:

4. Delta safety video:, and

Hey, at least you didn't link United Airlines although American Airlines also is troubled these days.

The preparation looks nice.

I'm going to throw in 50k to the player who takes the best screenshot in the event. Every event should have photos that show an idea of the event to those who couldn't be there and to remind us of the experience we had.

*everyone running around with a camera*
I am the news reporter, I am the only who could do that Big Grin
I want to be the News reporter with vatippa lmao.
(Apr 26, 2017, 11:00 PM)Bambo Wrote: [ -> ]
(Apr 11, 2017, 10:19 PM)IsThisaNewFLRP? Wrote: [ -> ]For the flight attendants, please watch the following videos
( , , )

1. Qantas in-flight safety video:

2. AirFrance safety video:

3. American Airlines Safety Video:

4. Delta safety video:, and

Hey, at least you didn't link United Airlines although American Airlines also is troubled these days.

The preparation looks nice.

I'm going to throw in 50k to the player who takes the best screenshot in the event. Every event should have photos that show an idea of the event to those who couldn't be there and to remind us of the experience we had.

I don't think you should do that. I think there should be one specific person that is to take screenshots of the event. Pulling out a camera in the middle of a scenario is not legit. This person should also be allowed to no-clip during the event.
Of course pulling a camera might sound ridiculous but we do have a /hud command which would be better in an event like this. And if someone does roleplay it out and take out a camera the terrorists have more things to roleplay. Also even though it's risky I've seen many instances in which the people under a huge threat took photos and videos, we are living in an age where everything is nearly documented, hell even the coup that happened in my country had photos and videos taken you wouldn't think someone in that area would take. Even more, the attacks on an airport in my country also had events, some live broadcasted the incident while shots were heard in the background.
(Apr 28, 2017, 01:30 AM)Bambo Wrote: [ -> ]Of course pulling a camera might sound ridiculous but we do have a /hud command which would be better in an event like this. And if someone does roleplay it out and take out a camera the terrorists have more things to roleplay. Also even though it's risky I've seen many instances in which the people under a huge threat took photos and videos, we are living in an age where everything is nearly documented, hell even the coup that happened in my country had photos and videos taken you wouldn't think someone in that area would take. Even more, the attacks on an airport in my country also had events, some live broadcasted the incident while shots were heard in the background.

I think job title "Emergency Broadcaster" or something like that could be better job title for me, can u change it ?
(Apr 28, 2017, 01:30 AM)Bambo Wrote: [ -> ]Of course pulling a camera might sound ridiculous but we do have a /hud command which would be better in an event like this. And if someone does roleplay it out and take out a camera the terrorists have more things to roleplay. Also even though it's risky I've seen many instances in which the people under a huge threat took photos and videos, we are living in an age where everything is nearly documented, hell even the coup that happened in my country had photos and videos taken you wouldn't think someone in that area would take. Even more, the attacks on an airport in my country also had events, some live broadcasted the incident while shots were heard in the background.
I can take the screenshots, I think my job title fits to it.
Is a date and time being scheduled, yet?
I am sooooo sorry for the huge delay.
This is mostly because of the final studies at school that most of you migth be having aswell. The Event will take place at 4.00PM (16.00) (Swedish Time) at Saturday, the 10th of June (My birthday!)

Date of event in your timezone:

applying for passenger because im slow.

OOC Information:
What job your applying for: Passenger
Steam Name: [L²:RP] Cooli |
Reason to join? To have fun

IC Information:
Ingame Name: Robi Mayne
Describe your character after the start of the situation: Scared
Please remove from my spot, terrorist, as I will not be available on that date.

Rip I cant join, I go to countryside at 8.6
I'm not going to be free when the event start unless it is hosted at Friday or Saturday :c
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