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Full Version: 31 August - Airport Hostage Rescue RP
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Sadly, I am on holiday. I hope you do this event again another day good luck. Likewise with Daley, I will have to withdraw my role.
We need you !

Possible a date BEFORE everyone is on holiday?
No need to change, I'll be there!!
OOC Information:
What job your applying for: Terrorist leader
Steam Name: same as forum name
Reason to join? i like being a terrorist

IC Information:
Ingame Name: john 'ice' richards
Describe your character after the start of the situation: ready 2 kill some pigs
Not sure if I already have applied or some shit but

What job your applying for: Whatever is free
Steam Name: kahjo
Reason to join? Why not, new, unique.

IC Information:
Ingame Name: Jessica Mätänäätä
Describe your character after the start of the situation: we'll see then. Hard to say yet.
Alot of people with keyroles are having problems showing up on this date that has been set - Could someone come with a few suggestions for dates and I'll set up a poll and see whatever suits you guys the best.
13th of August, Sunday

EDIT:Probably need it before school!
Saturday, August 12th

I may be available for that date
It makes no sense to postpone the event every time. There will be always people who can't take part of it then.
When the event will be? This week is fine for me
Lord Octagon, whom is cohosting the event alongside me, wont be able to make it on this particular date, which was an error made on my part.

31 August is when the event will now take place, be there or be square.
OOC Information:
What job your applying for: Terrorist
Steam Name: [L²:RP] Eclipze
Reason to join? It sounds like a fun event

IC Information:
Ingame Name: Dimitri Pedenkov
Describe your character after the start of the situation: I was very excited regarding this, yet very nervous. What if we failed? What would happen? My destiny cant lay within failure, I must succeed I thought. I was ready, ready to fight.
Of course when the holidays are over lol.
Apparently, I'm not able to make the new date due to a small holiday.

Hopefully, the event goes great! Good luck.
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