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Suggestion for <in-game/forum/teamspeak etc.>: IG

In detail, explain your suggestion: Change the map to something more optimized and better quality than the PIECE OF FUCKING TRASH SHITPILE PTSD RAGING FUCKERY terrible one we have now.

Why should this be implemented? v4b1 is supposed to be the "more optimized and shining" update for v33x, when in reality all it changed was adding lights in the tunnels, recycling some buildings in Industrial, added props in around the map, and added an empty lot in Corleone.

These suggested maps offer new layouts, buildings, and most importantly new RP chances. The community seems to want it (At least the 72% of people that supported it via the Forum: and I believe that's enough to get the ball rolling.

Maps currently on voting:
If you wish to suggest a map for voting, please add a Pros and Cons post along with a link to the map, so they made be added to the list.
[ADDED 3-7-17]
- Rockford (Any varient)
- v5p
- Paralake v3

- +/- Support
- Reasoning for your +/- Support
- If +Support, which map?
Personally I +support Rockford. It offers the greatest variety of environments, some great buildings in a centralized layout with roads that surround downtown leaving a great variety of road networks to get around in.
There's no denying the popularity of the Evo maps, I still think we should try again with a second server. With that being said I'd like to see rockford again.
+Support in v5p , best map of all you had suggest , have all areas that we can find in your country , city , industrial , farms , villa , lakes , rivers , its such a place man
+support on rockford it was a big map that had a downtown area, a housing area, and even a highway
This is what we have waiting for! I vote Rockford and huge +Support
And we can finally drive with faster cars so we dont crash to the tree at everytime.
(Mar 8, 2017, 03:13 AM)SirWulf Wrote: [ -> ]Personally I +support Rockford.  It offers the greatest variety of environments, some great buildings in a centralized layout with roads that surround downtown leaving a great variety of road networks to get around in.

**Whispers** and you like the fire station also Wink
v5p +support
(Mar 8, 2017, 03:13 AM)SirWulf Wrote: [ -> ]Personally I +support Rockford.  It offers the greatest variety of environments, some great buildings in a centralized layout with roads that surround downtown leaving a great variety of road networks to get around in.
Either Rockford or V5P
I rather have Rockford though.

Edit: But for the love of god, change map soon, the lag near nexus is shit.
(Mar 8, 2017, 05:39 AM)The Rock Wrote: [ -> ]+Support in v5p , best map of all you had suggest , have all areas that we can find in your country , city , industrial , farms , villa , lakes , rivers , its such a place man
+ Support for Paralake. It is a big map, with an unique monorail system, dedicated police station with holding cells, fire station and hospital which are fully furnished, has unique areas such as Bazaar and Hicktown. Remember it from Perpheads.
Now I voted for Evocity v5p, but I also support Paralake.
(Mar 8, 2017, 05:39 AM)The Rock Wrote: [ -> ]+Support in v5p , best map of all you had suggest , have all areas that we can find in your country , city , industrial , farms , villa , lakes , rivers , its such a place man
(Mar 8, 2017, 07:17 AM)Vatipaa Wrote: [ -> ]This is what we have waiting for! I vote v5p and huge +Support
And we can finally drive with faster cars so we dont crash to the tree at everytime.
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