Changed my vote, just in case anybody wants to know.
Quote: Nebula
I voted for
I like rockford & v5p But i just like v5p a little bit more, why? No clue.
We could edit the map to get some buildings from Rockford to it (Eg the FD station)
Changed vote to Rockford
(But seriously, we could test that with the 1 week rotation)
(Mar 11, 2017, 11:10 PM)Nebula Wrote: [ -> ]Why not like.. v5p for 1 week then rotate to Rockford.. If the community likes / dislikes it, keep the Rotation / Remove the Rotation / Rotation in longer circles.
(Mar 16, 2017, 10:07 PM)IVIrCheetham Wrote: [ -> ]+Support on v5p. There's so much opportunity for RP, with the buildings already made, players can put a spin on them if they wish. The map is huge. Exploring with friends could be endless. There's so many hidden things, like the metro (train) system that takes you to different areas on the map. Rockford and Paralake look shitty compared to v5p.
- J
V5p doesnt nearly offer as much new rp places and enviroments as rockford. The only thing v5p adds is a subway and and a farmside. We already have a industrial area, same goes for the suburbs and the lake and we already have a abandoned village as well as a firestation. The onlything it would change is that wider, large spaces like grassys or the lake (that is better placed on v4b) would be put in somehwat more remote locations with harder acces and narrow surroundings.
Rockford on the other and offers a Police station, a beuatiful beach, plenty of new stores and appartments, long highways, remote houses, suburbs, villas a larger club, some minor ghetto style subs. It also offers a way larger and better detailed version of the Firehouse and the hospital. And thats not all.
There is NOTHING that v5p or v4b has that cant be found on Rockford. The onlything Rockford changes is adding plenty new locations, placing them in a better map layout and giving it a slightly more american design.
Once again i cant urge anyone enough to 1.remember the days where we had v2p (which is pretty much the ancestor of v5p) and actually test out Rockford.
Someone name me 1 Scene or enviroment that could not be fitted on Rockford.
Regading the looks of the maps. Paralake (while it has a nice setup) does look like shit - i can agree on this one. V5p realy does look the same as v4b as its based on the same ideas, sharing the same stock buildings and design ideas that went into the Evo City Project.
Rockford however while having the same if not even better textures and designs. Has a whole new atmosphere to it. I think its nicer to drive through a crowded, detailed city to my home which is right of the highway at a beautifull beach..... then to drive through narrow tube like roads that have nothing to offer rather then 5m of green to either side and a badly textured 2drockwall barely covering up the maps restrictions.
While I always did like the various options in v2p/v5p, the fact that it's basically a giant, twisted line pushes me away from it. It takes forever to get from the end to the city in your car, and if I recall back in the FL v2p days, some cars just could NOT make it up the hill. The size also causes issues for response times. Rumor has it that it would be FASTER for the Fire Department to leave their station, park at the tram station, board the tram, ride the tram to the end, and run to fire than to drive all the way around to it. It is prohibitively long.
And then we get to that FUCKING HILL. You get one bad driver and you're sailing ass over elbows down a huge ass cliff into a giant puddle of water so deep you hit the other side of the Earth before you hit the bottom. Think your car being laked now is bad? It's about 1000% worse on v5p. Without staff to help you, it takes ages to find in the deep, dark water, and when you do find it, you still have to prop push it to shore. Have fun doing that while not drowning, because you're gonna be so far down you use half your oxygen just getting there.
In conclusion, fuck that hill, and v5p is okay but it has some fairly major flaws that will get old fast.
couldnt agree more with Stomm. We made some experiences with v2p. Abd v5p isnt that different whatsoever. While i actually like the idea of somewhat more remote and rual locations i dont like the way there were implemented in V5p. THe ring structure of v4b has been remove with straight lines. One of the main arguments for w new map was a more evolved infrastruture. This is jut not given in v5p. The entire map movement is bound to that one stupid hill. That means police chases are meaningless ass theres no way to escape from the farms or the suburbs. Traffic is getting pretty condensed. and mayor infrastructure movements are getting messed up. Why would we want to change to a map that offers NO new enviroementys (we already have a little village, a firestation, a hospital etc.) just so we can have our current rp sights put in a even more messy and narrow order.
Besides: v5p offers almost no free building space. The roadways are extremly narrow and uneven. Including the trailerpark (which is probably the closest we could get to sth. like grassys or the wide lawns from rockford). I Imagine it to be quite difficult setting up alrger rp buildngs on v5p
Rockford on the other hand presents plenty of new/additional rp evniroments, connects them with a way more sophisticated infrastructure and still leaves plenty of large open or preset areas to start a variety of large scale rps
I agree with at least giving v5p a shot.
Also why not just add rotations in anyway?
It's not fun joining the same exact map everyday anyway
Rotating maps would mean screwing over the advanced duplicator. But if thered be a way to somehow save dupes even if its on the wrong mpa id be up for it. However i gotta say: v5p is pretty much the same as v4b why is everyone so psyched about it. The only thing it changes is the infrastructure... and its not making it better. Rockford is the only map that actually adds something to the map (and does not look as bad as paralake for eg.)
You just could creater 2 folders. 1 for Rockford & 1 for v5p in the adv Menu.
28-28 Rockford - V5P
A rotation would be good if the half wants map 1 and the other map 2.
(Mar 18, 2017, 02:11 AM)MrMarsh Wrote: [ -> ]Rotating maps would mean screwing over the advanced duplicator. But if thered be a way to somehow save dupes even if its on the wrong mpa id be up for it. However i gotta say: v5p is pretty much the same as v4b why is everyone so psyched about it. The only thing it changes is the infrastructure... and its not making it better. Rockford is the only map that actually adds something to the map (and does not look as bad as paralake for eg.)
It works exactly like that. I remember having to delete many dupes that were for v2d because they were not compatible but still there.
Also, why not AdvDupe 2?
Are there any specific plans when the poll will be closed and the map changed?
v5p has a huge flaw, they kept the most broken part of all evocity maps, the nexus. In every map the nexus tends to be the laggiest structure, and they haven't done much to optimize it here too.
Paralake is a really really good map I think this is a better map for limelight
1 issue I know about is that you need a code for all the doors on the map so they open and close
I think the main reason why people voted for other maps was because they haven't tried it.