For the past few months the team have been discussing the arrest system. We agree that arrests should always be dealt with in-character because an arrest is made based on the opinion of an officer. What I would like to discuss with you is an appeal system for when you're arrested. Personally I believe a Custody Officer job should be implemented and that we should go back to having the old jail guard requirement for arrests over five minutes. This caused some frustration in the past, but currently the government have no obligation to review any appeal made by a prisoner so we need to mitigate the effects at least and work from there. Preferably we would need a system that automates the appeal. A player could type "/appeal" and a notification is sent to the jail guard immediately notifying them of the prisoner's request.
This is just something off of the top of my head but seeing as we are all effected by this issue at times, we want to hear your opinions on the matter. If a proposed system is liked, I will transfer this to the suggestions area.
I agree that we need to go back to having jail guards.
Edit: If we are going to extend jailtime. we would propably need to tweak the rules.
I would not want to get arrested for 20minutes for speeding with my car etc.
- Up the maximum to an hour.
- Add a section to the policedb, for currently active arrests, the arrest time, reason and time served.
+ This allows for the guards to unarrest people having served a specific time.
- Re-add the jail-guard rule, but have it in code. The jail guard is a specific job, and the maximum limit without it is 10 minutes.
In my opinion for the system to work we need a few suggestions accepted, one important being this one:
Then we really have to remove donator perk of donators getting half time, we should also allow for 20 minutes sentences.
About the appeal system, I am not sure if it is really going to work out as most of the time it is the word of one against another one but I would happily use the system. Maybe we can put the courtroom in use after all.
Custody Officer job: +Support
An appeal system: +Support
Jail guard requirement: +Support if it is possibly to be a different job, a 2-3 slot job with less equipment and with the ability to place down a metal detector for free or have one spawned as soon as they spawn in key locations.
(Dec 7, 2016, 12:59 PM)Project Wrote: [ -> ]In my opinion for the system to work we need a few suggestions accepted, one important being this one:
Then we really have to remove donator perk of donators getting half time, we should also allow for 20 minutes sentences.
About the appeal system, I am not sure if it is really going to work out as most of the time it is the word of one against another one but I would happily use the system. Maybe we can put the courtroom in use after all.
Custody Officer job: +Support
An appeal system: +Support
Jail guard requirement: +Support if it is possibly to be a different job, a 2-3 slot job with less equipment and with the ability to place down a metal detector for free or have one spawned as soon as they spawn in key locations.
An appeal system would be good if it wasn't just someone doing /appeal and the jail guard with no experience accepts it.
I think the maximum amount of time shall stay at 15. Its honestly really annoying getting arrested for 15 minutes for speeding or jaywalking. And i don't think you shall do some big changes to the system. Its good as it is.
Need active jail to make it more than an AFK room and an actual punishment.
Bail and appeals available to all players if approved by jail guard or president.
Longer times then 30 minutes if jail guard is active.
10 hour limit to jail guard job as he has a lot of power.
Possibly a rep requirement instead of hours.
Proper transporting of suspects with a dragging players option so players must bring suspects to jail. Would allow for Prisoner Transport RP, and a little more work to arresting someone.
ANPR fixed or removed entirely and redone to give more option such as:
Laws list
Active warrants with their playermodel
Arrested players
Active ankle bracelet alarms from ANPR
Fine system with PDA system
Message of the day from police sgt.
All calls for players from superior
Voice radio for increased communication.
I only support the idea for a jail guard for sentences longer than 15 minutes. Let's not forget, either, that players will try to talk their way out of prison to a person who doesn't have any context to the person's arrest, on top of the possibility of having a person as a custody officer who is unwilling to hear the convict in the first place. Additionally, appeals would take longer to process and hear than the amount of time the person would actually spend in prison. This, in turn, only serves to give the convict attention which he should be deprived of in prison.
In conclusion, I support an appeals system and a prison guard only for prison times which exceed 15 minutes.
(Dec 5, 2016, 01:23 PM)ForceGhost Wrote: [ -> ]Suggestion for <in-game/forum/teamspeak etc.>
In Game
In detail, explain your suggestion:
MY suggestion is to rework the arrest/legal system to include a new job as well as a realistic sentencing system in the form of a Judge.
When requesting a warrant the arresting officer must fill out a report (See item 1). On arrest, If a player was in the "Judge" slot, the arrested player would teleport to the Court Floor inside of the Nexus. The Judge then can view both the arresting officers report as well as hear both sides of the story.
After listening to the accused and the arresting officer the Judge will have a number of options to punish/release the player.(See item 2)
- Fine them an amount between $10-$2000
- Confine them to the jails for 1-15 Minutes
- Confine them to the property they own (In conjunction with my recent suggestions in regards to properties) for 1-15 Minutes
- Release them without charge
After the Judge has come to their verdict the suspect will be returned to their previous location or to one of the other locations based on sentencing.
Why should this be implemented?
Realism, it also allows further expansion and ease of use to deal with arrests IC. It will also allow for more pronounced Lawyer RP with the Government hiring duty lawyers to represent the arrested in the Court room.
Item 1
![[Image: wB3Ytye.jpg]](
Item 2
![[Image: vsyEBWo.jpg]](
(Inspiration and screenshots inspired from this script:
This was a suggestion that made not long ago. I thought it was something that should be added incase certain users or staff missed the suggestion.
+ support for the jail guard, but add, instead of a REP requirement, a schedule, and make appeals be dealt by the judge, that could be REP locked. jail guards should only watch the jails and make the prisoners follow schedules.
7am: wake up and do breakfast. if not, + 1 minute, where you get food from the cafeteria.
7am-12am go do some jobs, that could be workshops (make money, lose stamina), prison cleaning (broom SWEP?), etc.
12am: go eat, if not, + 1 minute (food refill again)
12am-6pm: do work again.
6pm-8pm: do exercises (stamina loss)
8pm: eat and free time (stay in the mess hall, do what you want?)
10pm: go to sleep (health and stamina regain)
and so on
Can't have a judge as then we would have to depend on two different jobs and have to hope the judge knew what he was doing. We would also need lawyers for defendants and prosecutors, a bailiff, and a jury.
It's a great idea, but sadly not enough people are educated in court RP (including myself) to do a quick case that wouldn't extend the usual 30 minutes it takes.
Let's be honest, those raids on the jail had a jail guard and they were useless as fuck, including from if you're even too make an appeal system as it's easily going to be abused/used to where a jail guard who trots on, looks around for five minutes, gets the job and then proceeds to be accepting any appeal out of the blue therefore not letting them serve the proper sentence they deserve.
Can't wait to get arrested by someone rping a corrupt cop then end up sitting in jail for an hour for no reason.