(May 23, 2016, 03:55 PM)Faustie Wrote: [ -> ]We can't just force people to use a map. We've given everyone the choice: There are two EU servers, one running 33x and one running Rockford. While I personally prefer Rockford, we can't just shut down 33x and expect everyone to hop over to Rockford. We have to listen to the players who currently fill the server as well as those on the forums, and right now you vote by where you are. Right now, the tally is heavily in 33x's favour; if you guys want Rockford to be the main server, you need to start playing on Rockford and encouraging others to do so.
I don't see much harm in replacing v33x with v4b1, since the changes are so minute. Most, if not all dupes, will still work and almost everyone (almost, because people who aren't as familiar with v33x) will be able to make their way around. Probably the biggest change in terms of layout is the fact that the old motel doesn't look like Sour's house anymore
Changelog can be found here:
Honestly, these threads are pointless. Let me explain why.
When we had the new US server with Rockford as map, everyone was super hyped. The map was filled for a few weeks but quickly died out. People moved back to V33x, because Rockford "Was on US and it gave lag". People kept complaining about how Rockford should be moved to EU as well so they could enjoy this great map.
On the 24th of april Rockford moved to EU. (Purely for technical reasons but the community still got what it wanted.) The first days or weeks it was indeed a very popular map, more popular than we have ever seen so far on Limelight. However, eventually this map also died. Now I'm not sure why this happens because in my opinion is a lot better than V33 ever has been or will be. There is really only 1 reason I can think of people don't join Rockford.
It's called nostalgia.
Since CityRP flourished in the maps V33 and V2d, people will always remember them. New players join our active V33 server and will stick by it because it's the only map they know. Old players prefer V33 over Rockford because it has some sort of emotional value to them, well at least to me. New things are always good to experiment with, but in the end it's alway the nostalgia that will win. This is why suggesting new maps is pointless, as time has proven people will always return to what they're familiar with and what holds their memories.
(May 22, 2016, 08:11 PM)RK-FIN Wrote: [ -> ]just change v33x to rockford
Man it sure it to bad we have 2 rockford servers right now with noone on them. . . I think v33x should just go down for "repairs" for a month.
(May 23, 2016, 05:03 PM)Maniac Wrote: [ -> ]It's called nostalgia.
Since CityRP flourished in the maps V33 and V2d, people will always remember them. New players join our active V33 server and will stick by it because it's the only map they know. Old players prefer V33 over Rockford because it has some sort of emotional value to them, well at least to me. New things are always good to experiment with, but in the end it's alway the nostalgia that will win. This is why suggesting new maps is pointless, as time has proven people will always return to what they're familiar with and what holds their memories.
This is the killer for this community for me. I joined rockford for the first time not played GMOD in like 3 years onto rockford which preforms great, had a great ping. But when rockford just died out, and everyone wants to play on this map where when it gets over 25 people lags down below 30 fps. Disgusting. Fucking awful. People complain about ping, well I get to play on v33x with a 200 ping, and usually 10 fps in city/25 out. Even with a 200 ping on EU rockford i'd rather the 60 fps.
HUGE +Support, let's change the OLD v33x once and for all, it might improve the population too.
Just a quick idea, swap maps for a day? Sure, we have the EU/US rockford but what about US v33x/v4b1?
Either way +Support of not already
(Jul 21, 2016, 11:04 PM)Midget HD Wrote: [ -> ]Just a quick idea, swap maps for a day? Sure, we have the EU/US rockford but what about US v33x/v4b1?
Either way +Support of not already
swapping maps for just a day wont give an accurate figure.
More optimized, more fraps, same map pretty much, happy rping without lags!!!
(Jul 21, 2016, 11:04 PM)Midget HD Wrote: [ -> ]Just a quick idea, swap maps for a day? Sure, we have the EU/US rockford but what about US v33x/v4b1?
Either way +Support of not already
It can be swapped for a week and see how it goes from there
HUGE +SUPPORT, this is really needed

please change
+Support I'm tired of the shit map
I rather not have 10FPS..
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