Suggestion for: In-game
In detail, explain your suggestion: Change the v33x server map to v4b1 please.
Why should this be implemented? [b][font=open_sansregular, Arial, sans-serif]You get more frames and they look the exact same but v4b1 has slight differences, the lighting panels in tunnels etc. It would also improve overall role-play experience having more frames and make life way easier.[/b][/font]
[b]Suggestion for <in-game/forum/teamspeak etc.>[/b]
[b]In detail, explain your suggestion:[/b]
[b]Why should this be implemented?[/b]
Template as you haven't wrote anything.
Secondly, You haven't really tried to help anyone. I personally think no. We've had this discussion even given by the staff a few months ago. I will state what I stated last time.
The map requires you to download it from the FacePunch Forums and isn't able to be workshopped and it will turn into a Rockford 2.0 where there is lots of people that say they want it but in the end just leave it like our current problems..
+support ....please.....please use the template...before someone else just simply states that without readingit
V4b1 is not a map on the workshop and would require FastDL which is a pain in the butt. If you find a way to have this content workshopped then yes
First of all, FL JUST done this.
Secondly, the only difference on the map is a removal of a house, few more annoying props in the Nexus, slightly
changed industrial and more green & few more.
I could do 10x better than that by myself in a few days. Really pointless.
saying and doing are two different things
thanks for all your opinions.
just change v33x to rockford
(May 22, 2016, 08:11 PM)RK-FIN Wrote: [ -> ]just change v33x to rockford
+Support for V4b1 , for simple reason , i do prefer rockford , however if we change the v33x we will kill the population
+support, the framerate difference between v33x and v4b1 will basically kill all "omg 5 fps in city" comments, last time I checked I got at LEAST 25 in city
Quote:it would improve aggressive rp's and make life easier.
Alone for that Quote i give a -support
Also, i dont like the map. Just no.
If we're gonna replace evocity v33x with anything, why not go big and swap to evocity2 v5p?
In my quick runaround on there, even the lowest FPS I got was higher than my average in v33x just a few minutes later.
(May 22, 2016, 08:11 PM)RK-FIN Wrote: [ -> ]just change v33x to rockford
Coulden't agree more, Rockford, would be a beast map if people actually used it... To many people are unaware about it exists and the others wont play there cause it's almost empty all the time.

We can't just force people to use a map. We've given everyone the choice: There are two EU servers, one running 33x and one running Rockford. While I personally prefer Rockford, we can't just shut down 33x and expect everyone to hop over to Rockford. We have to listen to the players who currently fill the server as well as those on the forums, and right now you vote by where you are. Right now, the tally is heavily in 33x's favour; if you guys want Rockford to be the main server, you need to start playing on Rockford and encouraging others to do so.