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Full Version: Make players able to prone.
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Suggestion for <in-game/forum/teamspeak etc.> In game

In detail, explain your suggestion:
Make players able to prone.

Why should this be implemented?
- Adds way more realism into the server (and after all you're able to become president lead the city and everything but you can't even lay down on the floor.)
- More roleplay (for example if you're robbing a bank you can let the hostages lay on the ground to make sure they dont get accidentally shot.)

- Makes it easier to hide

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Thanks for reading this and please let me know what you think!
Thank you for your suggestion, Admiral General Aladeen!

It will take a while for it to be reviewed by our staff-members.
Meanwhile, expect some nice feedback from our community.
Omg.. shut up bot, nobody lieks you </3

nice idea
+Support I NEED THIS
Good idea! It's great for any kind of rp.
Omg think about the gunfires with this animation
+Support if we can get good animations in without it being a bit glitchy like the /handsup animations and stuff.

Also, could this be abused in any way?
(May 19, 2016, 01:16 AM)Chicken Coup Wrote: [ -> ]+Support if we can get good animations in without it being a bit glitchy like the /handsup animations and stuff.

Also, could this be abused in any way?
+ support.
Also add a ghillie suit for...reasons.

+support, need dis shit.
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