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Police Chief

Hour Requirement 0
Requires Membership Yes
Income ***


Police Officers are the ‘general duties’ law enforcement officers which means they patrol, help the general public, assist in backup calls from fellow officers or respond to 911 calls. The only time an officer in not in control of a situation is either when his chief is on scene or when S.W.A.T. is taking over his high-risk situation. They are a representative of the law and they are expected to follow the law as well as enforce it.


As a member of the police department you are tasked with patrolling the streets of Rockford and making sure all the laws are abided by. That includes pulling vehicles over for traffic violations, arresting dangerous individuals to keep the city safe and sometimes assisting the fire department or the paramedics with their calls.


Upon joining the police department, it's recommended that you go towards the armour and get yourself a weapon, this can be found taking a left out of the break room and then another left onto the corridor then your next right into the armoury, which you can press your action key (E by default) and select your weapon.


Command Description
/backup Request backup from all other officials.
/panic Send a panic message to all other officials.
/passlist Prints a list of players with passes.
/pursuit This will radio in a pursuit message. Before using this command, be sure to scan the car you wish to initiate a pursuit with.
/warrant <player/id> <search/arrest> <reason> Warrants a player for a search or arrest.
/unwarrant <player/id> Removes a warrant that a player has.
/weppos Opens a HUD to set the position of your weapon when attached to your model.
Last modified: le 2020/05/26 19:02