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PR -> Judge Rage - Printable Version

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PR -> Judge Rage - Brin. - May 3, 2018

Reported Players: Judge Rage (STEAM_0:1:59572596) (@Judge Rage)
Server: Rockford
Time: 2018-May-03 15:28
Summary: Was explaining a situation that happened between both of us. He then continues to say that.

RE: PR -> Judge Rage - Night - May 3, 2018

Waiting on accused.

RE: PR -> Judge Rage - Judge Rage - May 3, 2018

I very much fail to see which rule this breaks. I asked "are you so dense" because, if you read the logs, you failed to understand my reasoning as to why I had been in the middle of the road on the stop. 'are you so dense' was not intended as an insult in anyway (I'm not even sure how it could be taken as one), it was more of a way of saying 'how do you not know this' which is a colloquialism in the area that I am from. 

Furthermore, the intention of the PM to brin was not infact to insult him or to belittle him, but instead to apologise if I had been abrasive or rude or in any way insulting to him before when I was arresting him, as I actually kinda like Brin, he's a nice guy and I've RPed with him a number of times - but instead, Brin decided to turn it into an argument and I tried to explain my side.

Furthermore, I'd like to bring some new evidence to the case: this screenshot is of Brin insulting me in OOC as I said 'i'm starting to see the reasons why i left this community a while ago':

[Image: 777DFDCF5400E5ECD10E8B6F6BFC01EBBD53100A]

As you can clearly see, Brin saying 'I wouldn't even notice' has the intent to insult me, therefore breaking rule 1.4 which states: 

  • 1.4 - Do not swear excessively, argue or insult in OOC chat, and do not write caps-locked messages. While you can be sexist/racist/otherwise discriminatory In-Character, this must not carry over to OOC.

RE: PR -> Judge Rage - Judge Rage - May 3, 2018

Just like to add as well to my statement that Brin did in fact say to me when I was arresting him for interfering in my investigation "you know judge, this is why nobody likes you", therefore leading me to believe his intent to insult me in OOC earlier.

RE: PR -> Judge Rage - Ricky LaFleur - May 3, 2018

Not involved.

RE: PR -> Judge Rage - Brin. - May 3, 2018

Tyrone. Not involved. It was via /pm.

RE: PR -> Judge Rage - Night - May 4, 2018

Player report approved.

Both of you are going at each other's throats here, and this really shouldn't be happening. Yes, what was stated above from both parties is in violation of the above mentioned rule however I don't find this to be on the scale that I'd be comfortable issuing a formal punishment for especially considering both sides are in the wrong here.

As a result, @"B.." and @Judge Rage are both advised that they need to start talking to each other with a form of respect. Further violation going forwards may lead to formal punishment being issued.

Thanks for the report.