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Full Version: Useful Alias Binds / Updated
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So you might be wondering "Ooohh, how on earth do I bind turning my engine off and on to a single key?!" or perhaps "Ooohh, how on earth do I bind turning Evoradio off and on to a single key?!"

Well, I have the answer for you! That answer is.... Alias's! 

So here I will share a few Alias's that I have been using now because they are very good indeed and I think pretty much all of you will benefit of it. So feel free to open the spoilers to see what you want! 

Engine toggle! 
Evoradio toggle!

Lifealert toggle!

Lockdown toggle!

Crouch toggle!

Netgraph toggle!

HUD left + right toggle!

Gasmask toggle!

Handsup Toggle! 

Physgun Wheelspeed Toggle! 

VoiceRadio Toggle! 
For these binds to save you must paste them into "autoexec" which is located in 

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod\cfg

Let me know if you want any more alias binds or voicebot commands!
Also doing Admin command alias's too if any staff are interested! eg. /freeze /unfreeze
I love you.

I found a way to toggle crouch too, meaning you could be crouching and release CTRL so that you could talk: no more FearRP misunderstandings as you stand up under gunpoint to use /me!

Perhaps /Lockdown for the president?
Updated with crouch toggle!
Updated with lockdown toggle!
Included an autoexec file!
Updated with run toggle!

(Suggested by Safira) 
Updated with Netgraph toggle! An incredibly useful tool!
Updated with Left + Right Hud Position toggle! 
Updated the autoexe file! 
Should make one for "/ban Enzyme 0 Serial Child Molester" Wink
(Apr 29, 2016, 08:08 PM)Python Wrote: [ -> ]Should make one for "/ban Enzyme 0 Serial Child Molester" Wink

Let's not. :O
u the real mvp
Great job! Definitely using that crouch one!
Thanks! Let me know if you want any more Smile

Would anything like "Stop" and "go" be any good for any RP's that can be binded to a single key for yalls?
Updated with a mask/clothing toggle!

Can you make '/handsup' and '/handsdown' toggleable onto one key?
got the Same idea... Big Grin
Updated with Handsup toggle!

(Suggested by Cunix & Safira)
I'll start updating these again when I get on my main computer so subscribe if you're intersted
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