Apr 9, 2016, 10:49 PM
Suggestion for <in-game/forum/teamspeak etc.> In Game
In detail, explain your suggestion: This script would allow players to have a surrender option, forceably apply fear rp to others with visual animations, and allows for people to be taken hostage again with visual animations. It is simple button press commands that can be edited as well as settings to identify which weapons can actually apply fear.
Surrendering: A nice feature that will visably put your hands up in the air and I believe it stops their movement till they decide to stop surrendering. Default I believe is ctrl+shift+e. Should be changeable.
Apply Fear RP: Dev sets up the list of weapons that are allowed to apply fear, list is modifiable so should be compatible with any weapon pack. To apply fear you look at the person at close range (about a 1x2 plate prop away, or about 3-4 people away max) and press G by default. If person is unarmed, they will be forced to their knees and unable to move. Fear is maintained so long as the applier maintains field of view on the target and doesn't go too far away. If the applier loses field of view on the target or goes too far away, the victim is able move/act again.
Hostaging: Once fear RP has been applied, you can press E on them and a vgui will pop up allowing you to take their weapons or tie them down. Tied down people cannot move or act, but they no longer need to be locked with fear rp. There is a default timer of 10 minutes that after that time the tied person will be freed automatically. Anyone who can act is able to untie a tied up person by this method.
Take weapons: I'm unsure of how this one works fully. I know it strips the target of their weapons but am unsure where they go after that point. Didn't think to test that at the time, but by name sounds pretty cut and dry. You tie someone up and forget to take their guns, lord help you if they get free.
Why should this be implemented?
In detail, explain your suggestion: This script would allow players to have a surrender option, forceably apply fear rp to others with visual animations, and allows for people to be taken hostage again with visual animations. It is simple button press commands that can be edited as well as settings to identify which weapons can actually apply fear.
Surrendering: A nice feature that will visably put your hands up in the air and I believe it stops their movement till they decide to stop surrendering. Default I believe is ctrl+shift+e. Should be changeable.
Apply Fear RP: Dev sets up the list of weapons that are allowed to apply fear, list is modifiable so should be compatible with any weapon pack. To apply fear you look at the person at close range (about a 1x2 plate prop away, or about 3-4 people away max) and press G by default. If person is unarmed, they will be forced to their knees and unable to move. Fear is maintained so long as the applier maintains field of view on the target and doesn't go too far away. If the applier loses field of view on the target or goes too far away, the victim is able move/act again.
Hostaging: Once fear RP has been applied, you can press E on them and a vgui will pop up allowing you to take their weapons or tie them down. Tied down people cannot move or act, but they no longer need to be locked with fear rp. There is a default timer of 10 minutes that after that time the tied person will be freed automatically. Anyone who can act is able to untie a tied up person by this method.
Take weapons: I'm unsure of how this one works fully. I know it strips the target of their weapons but am unsure where they go after that point. Didn't think to test that at the time, but by name sounds pretty cut and dry. You tie someone up and forget to take their guns, lord help you if they get free.
Why should this be implemented?
Now I'll list reasons. WARNING: Some harsh truth in here.
Player reasons: (Player being people who actually play, not player/admin)
Basically this script will enhance many aspects of play. Players will be able to visably see actions such as the application of fear rp, surrendering, and hostages. This will generally lead to less misunderstandings during aggressive situations, give others visual cues so they don't walk into a bad situation unaware, enhance the security/policing aspect allowing them to see criminal activity in progress. This will also stop players from just deciding not to listen to fear rp, conversely it also now allows for players to run like hell should you not get close enough in time.
Since fear rp would be applied by button press there will be less misunderstanding as it's system operated not player decision operated. It's simple and easy to use being a gun and a button press with a little aim. Ends tons of debates about who applied fear first. If they decide to keep the take weapons option, it also will improve the requirements of hostage takers to remember to take the weapons. Because in movies and real life, that weapon they failed to find usually is the one that kills them. It has built in fail safes to protect you from being left forever (default 10 minutes but staff can adjust I'm sure) and you can now leave your hostages in another room without needing to lock the door. Like put them behind the counter, ect. I'm not sure if you can physically move the hostages with this script alone or if it was another script we had working with this one.
Administration reasons: (All staff at every server that has Fear RP / Hostaging rules without a script similar to this)
I've been gazing at the stars, over a few bottles of captain pondering if I should post this. This one will come at some personal expense to me as people are going to feel some sort of way about me sharing this lost gem to you. I came to the conclusion that this script would easily fix most of the issues with fear rp. As you know, it's really a case of opinion unless you watched it or have full video of it. People get banned all the time, new people who may or may not even understand how the rule works. I've been to a few hundred servers and it's not nearly as common as you'd think. This script has existed since 2014, and would have forceable stopped most of those people from "minge" running. Think about that. How many people have been banned for running from fear rp since the release of this script. How many bans could have simply been avoided.
This script will also allow for people to run away should the aggressor not get close enough before revealing him/herself. As fear rp application has a range. I found it to be disgustingly unrealistic that a person isn't allowed to run from a firearm simply because they are unarmed. If you had a gap and are feeling froggy, leap. People do it every day. Now if he gets close enough to put the gun to your head, it's unrealistic to run, hence they press G and you get forced down. That's realism. Sure, more people will end up shot running, but that's a player choice, well should be.
This script will also allow for people to run away should the aggressor not get close enough before revealing him/herself. As fear rp application has a range. I found it to be disgustingly unrealistic that a person isn't allowed to run from a firearm simply because they are unarmed. If you had a gap and are feeling froggy, leap. People do it every day. Now if he gets close enough to put the gun to your head, it's unrealistic to run, hence they press G and you get forced down. That's realism. Sure, more people will end up shot running, but that's a player choice, well should be.
This script removes the guess work. It's a script that makes the complicated rules for fear rp play out by system, not by personal judgement. This in itself ensures that everyone is on the same page. When you think about it, without a system like this, you are allowing your players to fail. It's a set of bans that could have been easily avoided. It's kind of like if there was a hole in the road, and you had to kill anyone who jumped in it, if you don't cover the hole instead you really are the monster of the story.
I know there will be some work for conversion, maybe even some rewritting, but the animations and what not are all there. The lists are there, the idea is there. All you really have to do is transfer the ideas to paper and rework it into city rp. It will basically remove most of your fear rp rules, bans, ect. Enhances roleplay overall, and makes for less workload so maybe you get that extra 20 seconds of play before the next call.
FAQ (Hopefully to avoid a few simple questions or counter points)
Q: What if a player runs around tying everyone down?
A: This IS a possibility, however this system allows for anyone to free people and has a fail safe timer for releasing lost people. Players will break rules. If he's hostaging people randomly, I'm willing to bet without the system he would be shooting everyone, so at least you can live maybe. No system is perfect though, and rule breakers will break rules. This is more to assist the players who do actually follow the rules in avoiding unneeded bans and enjoy the game.
Q: Can you move the hostages?
A: I'm not quite sure if that was part of this script or another script. If this becomes a thing and it's missing, then you know the next thing to find.
Q: Why would you post this at our community?
A: For love of the game. I have a mindset of "if it's awesome and enhances the game as a whole, helps people, share it". A lot of communities have this, we're us they're them crap and generally shun the idea of interactions or relations like a bunch of greedy golum looking goblins hoarding their treasured scripts. This script helps any server with fear rp and hostaging combined. It saves players from bans, reduces workload for staff, easy to use, enhances gameplay for all. Two other important points to this question, 1: I may or may not even like your community, 2: My personal friends will end up pissed off at me for sharing this with you, 3: This isn't exclusive, I will be providing this to a few other places. All communities really should start working together, not on a grand scale, but stuff like share information on core enhancements like this with one another. Everyone won't look the same, because not everyone uses the same rules, or even the exact same script, but at least work together to save your players. Making it easy to get banned over something completely avoidable makes you the minge, not the player.
To Blackdog
To Blackdog
For love of the game, bro.
LINK! (Remember to look at the spoiler on the page to see the screenshots)