(May 25, 2016, 08:06 AM)Vauld Wrote: [ -> ]I am all in support of this, just need a better way to categorize in F1.
(Apr 7, 2016, 07:26 PM)Brax Wrote: [ -> ]+Support
Right now we have a very low amount of cars that balance the inbetween of "Super Expensive Millionare" and "16 year old's first car"
Why don't we get a range of 40 vehicles and have 5 in each category? Have Off-Road, Super, Hyper etc?
Completely redo the vehicles.
(Apr 8, 2016, 10:01 PM)Jono Wrote: [ -> ]Please implement some stupidly priced vehicles, upwards of 10 mill, perhaps even one at 50 mil...Just to show off.
Dislike -1
+ HUGE SUPPORT, there is a lack of
cars and
suits in this community and it is considered to be the easiest part to implement of all these suggestions

+ support we need station wagons, business sedans, sport hatchbacks, not just shit cars or sports cars. i would like also to see new cars added to the police, EMS and fire department, like a police station wagon (audi RS4), EMS First Response and Fire Pickup.
Suggestions are suggestions. Even if it was to be approved, that does not mean developers have to suddenly work on it. The bentley has not been touched for a few months now and the tow truck has not been added for almost a year now. So if players desire a vehicle into a gamemode, at least wait to see how many supports the thread gets.
Example, if it gets over 70% +supports then -supports then it can be added/decided.
Hypercars are overrated, could we get city, family, off-road vehicles instead?
100% for +support sounds promising :p
Added, there is a vehicle section in the suggestions forum.