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Full Version: Bambo's Graphics
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Text: Plan
Colours: Black and White
Images: popart style
Size: 800x800
Description of your request in detail: pop art, stuff like the boom or pow but with Mr Ceed in the pow/boom place


Text: Plan + instagram _richypics_ and twitter
Colours: black and white
Images: the same as for the logo
Size: 2560x1440 and so the test and that stuff work for youtube stuff plz.
Description of your request in detail: something like the logo


Text: Plan, latvian limelight member
Transparent/Solid: Solid
Colours: black and white
Images: pop art stuff
Size: something like Rizions signature
Description of your request in detail: pop art stuff

Big thanks Smile
I'm on holiday, and sadly have limited internet access if I'm lucky. I'll start doing them when I'm back, for now here's another wallpaper!

(Aug 26, 2017, 08:23 PM)bananen_ephihal Wrote: [ -> ]
(Aug 26, 2017, 07:42 PM)Bambo Wrote: [ -> ]
(Aug 25, 2017, 03:07 AM)bananen_ephihal Wrote: [ -> ]Text: bananen_ephihal
Transparent/Solid: Solid
Colours: Dark blue/ or what fits best

Images: Background:
(Remove the MB Liveries text from the background please)

Size: Forum Signature, not so big
Description of your request in detail: The airplane is background, remove the dm liveres text. And the cube should be around the middle but a bit down so its a bit under the windows. And under the cube my text should be: bananen_ephihal
Try and make it cool somehow or nice the text can be in a nice color, ex, dark blue/dark green, or sometinhg that fits.

the background image can't be used, mind selecting a new one?

Will this work? :

Do you think you could add this in a cool way somewhere:

Thanks Smile

[Image: CI0RvuU.png]

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Wonderful and awesome job, couldn't have asked for better, thanks mate Big Grin
when is mine ready :3
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