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What's the price for a logo fitting my signature?
Free of course!

I think you meant a profile picture so I went ahead and prepared it for you

[Image: fhBr9cG.png]

[Image: YYfwsCO.png]
How much is it?
EDIT: Just read that you said "free"!
Thanks you
Text: Name and quote (I see no God, only Doge)
Transparent/Solid: Transparent
Colours: Midnight/Space/Glow
Images: (Background)
Size: A typical, rectangular signature. (Approx. 700px x 250px)
Description of your request in detail: I would like my name to have a glow effect and to be placed below Doge. Perhaps a midnight purple/pink colour on the text. Font can be any you see fit. Perhaps a space-themed font.
[Image: r5rTfji.png]

[Image: 9Xfw5Fr.png]

[Image: qFt5Twa.png]
Hello Vatipaa

Text: Vatipaa
Transparent/Solid: Solid
Colours: City, night, etc
(Please be more descriptive when giving colours, a city would not count as a colour.)
Images: Doge, nissan gtr 
(Please link the images you want me to use.)
Size: 700x300
Description of your request in detail: forum signature
(This section is for you to explain the signature in detail, where you want your name, how you want it etc.)

Please check other request forms posted for an example. One I could give as an example is this one;

Text: Name and quote (I see no God, only Doge)
Transparent/Solid: Transparent
Colours: Midnight/Space/Glow
Images: (Background)
Size: A typical, rectangular signature. (Approx. 700px x 250px)
Description of your request in detail: I would like my name to have a glow effect and to be placed below Doge. Perhaps a midnight purple/pink colour on the text. Font can be any you see fit. Perhaps a space-themed font.

Note that the colours are listed as Midnight and Space, Midnight colours are in a specific range therefore that is a valid request, Space is also acceptable due to a certain colour range and the request above has linked images giving an idea of how it might go.
2nd try Big Grin

Text: Vatipaa "Finnish Limelight Member"
Transparent/Solid: Solid
Colours: Glow, Midnight
Images: (Background) Background image (helsinki at night)
Size: 700x300
Description: Font can be any you see fit. Perhaps a night-themed font. My name can be glowing and with colour of finnish flag (blue and white). "Finnish Limelight Member" with Glow
My signature gave me a cummy party once finished.
Thanks Smile

[Image: fFrdQc4.png]

[Image: TD9kjMf.png]
(May 24, 2017, 05:17 PM)Bambo Wrote: [ -> ]

[Image: fFrdQc4.png]

[Image: TD9kjMf.png]

I love ya
(May 24, 2017, 05:17 PM)Bambo Wrote: [ -> ]
[Image: TD9kjMf.png]

Another incredible job... ^^
Text: Use from the image
Colours: Same kinda ones as with the image
Images: - text - example of what I'm looking for (Something better yet similar would be good but if nothing can be found, this image will do!)

Size: Something suitable to fit at the top of my clan thread
Description of your request in detail:
I need an image that can be used globally for the clan, something that is representative (and professional) of Evocity Judiciary. I do however not want it to be too plain so, a few images (main has been provided) etc..
Text: LL Gaming, [L²:RP] Monkey
Transparent/Solid: Solid?
Colours: whatever color of text you want, i prefer white, but that is because i'm basic
Size: 700 x 300
Description of your request in detail: Kinda like mine now, but better. I just don't have the talent of computer art. The LL in the middle, gaming underneath LL, and [L²:RP] Monkey under that. I kinda what you to make it look awesome, so if you think something should change...go ahead. make the text look super cool as well. Also maybe add stars? I don't no how good they look.

New World Order

Red & Black

New World Order Logo

You decide, I'd like to use it for a forum post, as well as placing it over top of screenshots.

Description of your request in detail: 
I'd like the letters to be drawn in a similar fashion as the Pyramid is, lines as if it were drawn quickly.
I'd also like if possible for the white part to be transparent so I can put it over photos to use as a logo.

Thank you for reading, cannot wait to see what you will come up with!
Limelight Donator and L.E.O.
Transparent/Solid: solid
Colours: anything that isnt pink, magenta or purple. Preferably i'd like gray and red
Size: Big that its visible but not big to the point where it might get removed for being too big
Description of your request in detail: Nothing much. Just really make it stand out like making red bright. thats all
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