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Suggestion for <in-game/forum/teamspeak etc.>: In game

In detail, explain your suggestion: Longer text limit, specifically for IC chat. Assuming it's possible, of course.

Why should this be implemented? Because havingĀ a limited character puts a damper on long, immersive /me's and /it's. When you're participating in passiveRP, it's frustrating to be typing only to have to go back and edit what you wrote because you hit the text wall. That and you have to self-edit before you even write anything, which really limits the experience, because you aren't able to perform the action you actually want to.

But if I recall correctly, this isn't possible due to a limitation with gmod itself.
+/- support

I have run into many cases where having more text helps out describing an accident scene or handling an emergency. Having this extended would be a benefit there.

However, not many people like to wait for someone to type. If you are using /me for example, someone is waiting for you. It would be very rare to use one sentence to go over the current limit. To keep things going, I do /me one sentence at a time to keep the players from getting too bored while I type an essay out. As such, the limit really encourages you to use unneeded fluff. It helps to keep everyone from standing around waiting for you.
+support this is incredibly annoying at times. Perhaps you should meet certain requirements to be able to type longer messages. And it shouldn't apply to ooc/looc.
(Mar 7, 2016, 01:16 PM)Stomm Wrote: [ -> ]+Support

But if I recall correctly, this isn't possible due to a limitation with gmod itself.

It is possible. On a lot of serious RP servers they have an extended text limit.
+support, I want to do my drawn-out /mes which are at least 4 sentences long.