The Warning-System is here to assist the staff in administrating the servers and to make Limelight's disciplinary actions more equitable.
Rather than baning/blacklisting a player, you can simply be warned.
The system works in a decentralized manner with the database. Means that it can work with temporary and permanent warnings.
Permanent warnings are stored inside the database, whereas temporary warnings are removed when the player disconnects.
Both temporary and permanent warnings can be removed by an Administrator.
Every warning will be printed on the players HUD, implies that a player can get multiple warnings.
The HUD-box is fully responsive and will be automatically adjusted based on the amount of warnings/lines.
Long reasons are split into lines.
[UPDATE: 02.04.2016]
We would like to thank you for all the feedback regarding the Warning-System.
Thus serveral improvements were applied to it:
+ From now on players have access to the /warnings command. Simply type /warnings and you see a list of warnings.
+ Permanent warnings are treated as temporary warnings and will no longer popup on HUD-box upon connection.
They still remain in your list.
+ Whenever a warning is added/taken, the HUD-box pops-in for about 10 seconds and then pops-out.
+ Added a notification to inform the player about a warning
![[Image: u3airbB.png]](
A staff-member is not forced to hand-out warnings. It depends on the situation and it's up to the staff-member whether he/she warns, blacklists or bans a player.
So please do not break the rules because you think you cannot get banned/blacklisted.
Looks cool, but what about the Police Interceptor Utility?
Burnett is such an NLR breaking minge..
Great update! That will help cement the rules for newer players and help multiple staff work with the same player at different times. I do like.
Two questions:
Any way for Teachers to have input in this? There are times when we have tried to work with this Burnett person, given warnings, tried to give examples, but Burnett just won't stop getting into his car two minutes after death. If a Teacher could give a warning it might help staff know that Burnett had assistance but chose to just ignore it. That darn Burnett!
Second question, where can we get transcripts of BlackDog's poetry?
Good to see.
Will help those players that just need a nudge in the right direction.
Also, good to see the poem support!
(Mar 7, 2016, 05:10 PM)SirWulf Wrote: [ -> ]Great update! That will help cement the rules for newer players and help multiple staff work with the same player at different times. I do like.
Two questions:
Any way for Teachers to have input in this? There are times when we have tried to work with this Burnett person, given warnings, tried to give examples, but Burnett just won't stop getting into his car two minutes after death. If a Teacher could give a warning it might help staff know that Burnett had assistance but chose to just ignore it. That darn Burnett!
Second question, where can we get transcripts of BlackDog's poetry?
A teacher is not a part of the administrative team." as quoted from the teacher information thread. So it's highly unlikely that they will be granted the ability to warn.
(Mar 7, 2016, 05:48 PM)Daley Wrote: [ -> ] (Mar 7, 2016, 05:10 PM)SirWulf Wrote: [ -> ]Great update! That will help cement the rules for newer players and help multiple staff work with the same player at different times. I do like.
Two questions:
Any way for Teachers to have input in this? There are times when we have tried to work with this Burnett person, given warnings, tried to give examples, but Burnett just won't stop getting into his car two minutes after death. If a Teacher could give a warning it might help staff know that Burnett had assistance but chose to just ignore it. That darn Burnett!
Second question, where can we get transcripts of BlackDog's poetry?
"A teacher is not a part of the administrative team." as quoted from the teacher information thread. So it's highly unlikely that they will be granted the ability to warn.
(Mar 7, 2016, 05:48 PM)Daley Wrote: [ -> ] (Mar 7, 2016, 05:10 PM)SirWulf Wrote: [ -> ]Great update! That will help cement the rules for newer players and help multiple staff work with the same player at different times. I do like.
Two questions:
Any way for Teachers to have input in this? There are times when we have tried to work with this Burnett person, given warnings, tried to give examples, but Burnett just won't stop getting into his car two minutes after death. If a Teacher could give a warning it might help staff know that Burnett had assistance but chose to just ignore it. That darn Burnett!
Second question, where can we get transcripts of BlackDog's poetry?
"A teacher is not a part of the administrative team." as quoted from the teacher information thread. So it's highly unlikely that they will be granted the ability to warn.
I am well aware of that, however a teacher is a trusted player that has access to the /help system that allows for inter communication with other teachers and staff. If a teacher is able to issue a minor warning... only a warning, not a punishment, it would further aid the staff if they are needed.
A teacher is meant to help players out, whether it is rules, building or technical issues. In addition they can help out the staff by handling issues that could be resolved without the need for staff, and if staff is needed, they can give feedback on what was done before they arrived. With the warning system, a teacher note could be added to clear up any questions the staff may ask.
(Mar 7, 2016, 05:48 PM)Daley Wrote: [ -> ] (Mar 7, 2016, 05:10 PM)SirWulf Wrote: [ -> ]Great update! That will help cement the rules for newer players and help multiple staff work with the same player at different times. I do like.
Two questions:
Any way for Teachers to have input in this? There are times when we have tried to work with this Burnett person, given warnings, tried to give examples, but Burnett just won't stop getting into his car two minutes after death. If a Teacher could give a warning it might help staff know that Burnett had assistance but chose to just ignore it. That darn Burnett!
Second question, where can we get transcripts of BlackDog's poetry?
"A teacher is not a part of the administrative team." as quoted from the teacher information thread. So it's highly unlikely that they will be granted the ability to warn.
T'was a joke.
Looks really nice!
Although I can imagine permanent warnings being annoying if they're lingering on your HUD forever.
I read like "Warning-system"
Early warning system
Soviet Union
The warning should come with a really loud alarm signal scaring the shit outta the player who breaks NLR ^^
(Mar 7, 2016, 07:27 PM)Mr.Sir Wrote: [ -> ]The warning should come with a really loud alarm signal scaring the shit outta the player who breaks NLR ^^
(Mar 7, 2016, 07:27 PM)Mr.Sir Wrote: [ -> ]The warning should come with a really loud alarm signal scaring the shit outta the player who breaks NLR ^^
So like whenever the president initiates a lockdown?
My ears are still bleeding.