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Full Version: Clan and Private Radio Speech
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Suggestion for <in-game/forum/teamspeak etc.>

In detail, explain your suggestion:
This suggestion is based from the current radio frequencies that can be used with rather /pradio (/frequency) and /cradio. This will make the player when saying things in the /pradio or /cradio say it out loud such as what is presented when a Corleone/Anarchist/Government member uses their /radio.

(Clan Radio) Sir Thomas Alexander 'Sours' Barzinio: We have people in the HQ
***Sir Thomas Alexander 'Sours' Barzino radios: We have people in the HQ***

(Frequency 102.1) Sir Thomas Alexander 'Sours' Barzinio: We have people in the HQ

***Sir Thomas Alexander 'Sours' Barzino radios: We have people in the HQ***

Why should this be implemented?
It would allow to see if the user is contacting someone during the situation and I know that people can use the current situation with /pradio and /cradio to their advantage to get some people to help them is they are currently in trouble.

Ive never been sure why these chat types have been not shown, their radios, thus people around you can hear you speaking if their close enough
+Support Not sure why this isn't there already. It would prevent clan members calling for backup while they are under fearRP.
Approved, added and pushed to live servers.

/cradio and /pradio shows "XYZ radios in: bla bla text" message in players radius.
Frequency of /pradio is not shown/exposed in that message.

Will be available upon next server crash / restart.