Suggestion for <in-game/forum/teamspeak etc.> forum/website
In detail, explain your suggestion: A clan API for custom made clan websites to be able to access.
It could be accessed like this<STEAMID>
and return JSON and/or XML of that member that includes rank as an integer and RP name and clan ID<Clan ID>
and return JSON and/or XML of the clan, maybe including members but definitely including rank names & corresponding ID numbers
Why should this be implemented?
I don't really know what other clans do (or if they even have websites) but I use a mass SMS system to communicate with members in case of emergencies and the like. Would be useful for automatically verifying users that log in with steam rather than manually whitelisting their SteamID and changing their rank.
in the works thus approved
Will be released this weekend
(Apr 15, 2016, 05:55 AM)Burnett Wrote: [ -> ]Will be released this weekend
Its on my list no worries :p wont take a year
Saiye, This is already approved and is Work in Progress....
I think a staff member should lock this thread.
(Oct 12, 2016, 01:13 AM)Sours Wrote: [ -> ]Saiye, This is already approved and is Work in Progress....
I think a staff member should lock this thread.
Sorry I just got excited. Didn't realise.
(Oct 12, 2016, 01:13 AM)Sours Wrote: [ -> ]Saiye, This is already approved and is Work in Progress....
I think a staff member should lock this thread.
I don't think so, it's a nice place to ask for a status check. 4/16/2016 was supposed to be the release date and it's half a year later so I think a bump is perfectly fine
Yeah like bruh + 1.5 years later and we have no clan API has bad memory yes?
(Oct 12, 2016, 07:23 PM)Saiye Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah like bruh + 1.5 years later and we have no clan API has bad memory yes?
Leave the poor man alone. He's very busy spanking Enzyme.
(Oct 12, 2016, 07:23 PM)Saiye Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah like bruh + 1.5 years later and we have no clan API has bad memory yes?
He probably has other things to worry about he does a lot for the community. Just be patient
I have had to postpone the API in order to finalize more important stuff. You can check the changelog and forums to get a view on things I've released/fixed/installed/manged/configured/designed/written since then. Technically this could've been released earlier (I mean it is a simple PHP script), however. Currently we have like 5 API's floating around. Rather than having another API, I look forward on merging all our APIs into one API protocol. More about that later.
I think for now I'll just write a quick Clan API and merge it into our upcoming protocol.
Put on high priority.
An initial (and temporary) clan API can be found at and
The API takes GET params.
All APIs take JSON input as "input", which holds any params that could be defined as other params.
All APIs take "format" input, which can be "none", "plain", "json", "json-pretty" and "xml". Any undefined option defaults to plain.
/clan/list returns a list of all clans and their ids.
/clan/ takes the additional input "ID", and returns member information and rank list about a specific clan.
Error statements are returned as json, due to the issue of finding a format to return them in otherwise, if an error occurs before the format is validated.
Moving to finished, but this will be picked up on at a later date.
Myself and Burnett will be working on this further in the future, but it's currently on a back burner.