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Rockford v2a has just been pushed to the US server, this changes some features of the map alongside some important bugfixes we have looked at fixing for a while. 


ADDED] Fences around power plant equipment 

[ADDED] Outside gate to outskirts home 

[ADDED] Lua script to prevent doors from playing sounds globally 

[ADDED] Rockford Customs 

[ADDED] Repair garage 

[ADDED] Cinema 

[ADDED] Pub 

[REMOVED] False permalocked doors in various locations 

[REMOVED] 3 story parking garage 

[REMOVED] 7-11 

[CHANGED] Rebuilt PD 

[CHANGED] Combined FD and EMS station 

[CHANGED] Moved parking garage to underground office building across from PD 

[CHANGED] Increased impound lot size 

[CHANGED] Rebuilt bank 

[CHANGED] Triangle intersection in commercial squared off to proper intersection with corresponding curve 

[CHANGED] Rockford Transit Authority lot reduced in size and building rebuilt 

[CHANGED] Nice apartments moved around and fake blocks removed, opening up park space. 

[CHANGED] Made cash registers removable 

[CHANGED] Changed texture of opaque windows 

[CHANGED] Reduced hidden coverage of water to improve framerate by ocean 

[CHANGED] Jail doors spawn locked 

[CHANGED] Garage doors for government garages only close when no vehicle is in the zone 

[CHANGED] Doors no longer automatically close 

[CHANGED] Tree walls in commercial district are no longer flat and have 2 layers of depth to look somewhat better 

[FIXED] No more floating side walk props 

[FIXED] Fixed hospital errors 

[FIXED] Various minor bug fixes such as cracks in displacements and texture issues

There's an interrogation room omg yes

Edit: Even a pole to slide down for the firemen!
Wow that was quick, very well done fellas.
(Feb 20, 2016, 07:24 PM)Python Wrote: [ -> ]Your.

See, because of the wrong use of 'your' and the periodic full stops, you've essentially told Voluptious that he's really good in bed.

TL:DR - *you're

OT: noice
Having problems getting on the server

Now I can't rp as a 7 Eleven employee, but whatever. THERES AN INTERROGATION ROOOOM

Great job guys!
It seems a Rockford v2a has been released which quite annoying as I had it before yet it automatically updated and I no longer have it, nor can find anywhere to download it...
(Feb 20, 2016, 09:43 PM)Suarez Wrote: [ -> ]It seems a Rockford v2a has been released which quite annoying as I had it before yet it automatically updated and I no longer have it, nor can find anywhere to download it...
Was just about to post this, the server needs to be updated.
I really like the changes. The new firestation/medic area is very good. Though I do seem to be getting more lag than usual, and the door crashing vehicles is still there.
We all love vollyball (voluptious, dunno I have an urge to call him vollyball xD)
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