With the number of people I've seen trying to join only to get rejected for missing map, I think it might be better for the US Population to just upgrade to v2a...
*Cough* Thank thy Midget! xD <3
(Feb 20, 2016, 09:44 PM)Brax Wrote: [ -> ] (Feb 20, 2016, 09:43 PM)Suarez Wrote: [ -> ]It seems a Rockford v2a has been released which quite annoying as I had it before yet it automatically updated and I no longer have it, nor can find anywhere to download it...
Was just about to post this, the server needs to be updated.
Love me later

(Feb 20, 2016, 09:12 PM)Safira Wrote: [ -> ] (Feb 20, 2016, 07:24 PM)Python Wrote: [ -> ]Your.
See, because of the wrong use of 'your' and the periodic full stops, you've essentially told Voluptious that he's really good in bed.
R - *you're
OT: noice
Tbh he is really good in bed (
͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
This map has the best PD and the movie theater is a bit on the meh side but nonetheless its a sick map with some sick props
We've fixed the "missing-map" issue.
You no longer have to use the raw-map file. Just subscribe to the map-workshop-addon and you're ready to go.
i feel so bad i didnt this was happening :O ive been so out the loop this past week or so!
Looks awesome! well done!
Wish the 33x server would sometimes rotate to rockford. Nobody plays there even though the map is much better than evocity
Will LL EU ever get the rockford v2b map? AS there is never pepole on the US server.
(Apr 5, 2016, 05:08 PM)Officer Skyguy349 Wrote: [ -> ]Will LL EU ever get the rockford v2b map? AS there is never pepole on the US server.
It has it now if you checked the updates
(Apr 5, 2016, 05:08 PM)Officer Skyguy349 Wrote: [ -> ]Will LL EU ever get the rockford v2b map? AS there is never pepole on the US server.
Most likely not.
But there is better things coming.
I don't understand this. The reason nobody is on is because you choose not to log into it. People will come in if there is a player base. If all the people that have mentioned Rockford being empty would log in, you'd fill up the server.
Also keep in mind that during the US hours I see more people in Rockford than v33, so it is not going to waste like you think.
(Apr 5, 2016, 05:21 PM)George Wrote: [ -> ] (Apr 5, 2016, 05:08 PM)Officer Skyguy349 Wrote: [ -> ]Will LL EU ever get the rockford v2b map? AS there is never pepole on the US server.
Most likely not.
But there is better things coming.
You know v2b is already live on US server?