Feb 15, 2016, 07:47 AM
CS:GO Props in LimeLight
I suggest we add the CSGO props to LimeLight.
Why should this be implemented?
- The majority of the players already has CSGO. All they would need to do is mount the game in Garry's Mod. If players don't have the game they could download a content pack provided by us or a third party. (or actually buy the game)
- It would vastly improve certain areas of RolePlay, such as passive RP as the game brings alot of shop props, etc. Military RP as it brings alot of military props.
- Easy to implement due to, mostly just needing to add the CSGO props to the whitelist.
These props are just examples of some of the props in CS:GO. There's thousands of other props available in the game. These props I just found intresting.
Notice the 'No Guns' sign, which could come in handy in certain areas, such as the Nexus.
The gunlocker is my favourite prop of all these.
It comes with the base model and two sets of doors which would drastically improve Gunshop RP, Military RP (imagine an armory of these things)
and much more.
It also comes with a neat barricade prop made of alot of wood and boxes, also a cool bank vault door and different counters suited for shops and passive RP.
Notice the sandbag props and the barbed wires. I thought they were fantastic. Again perfect for military RP.
Close up on the concrete barriers and how the barbed wire props look on them.
Closing notes
In general I think these props would be a fantastic addition to LimeLight. It adds alot of variety between passive RP props and military props. If for some reason the devs are unable to inclode the whole CS:GO libary of props to the server I suggest only including the most important ones, such as the ones found here and in the Q menu under CS:GO props.
I also would like to mention I'm not certain the sandbag props are from CSGO. They might be from an addon I have installed. If the devs would like to know more about the sandbag props shoot me a PM on the forums or on steam.

(Thanks for updating the thread!)