Feb 4, 2016, 12:35 AM
Suggestion for forum
In detail, explain your suggestion:
A GMT based clock on the forum, maybe next to the radio banner.
Why should this be implemented?
Because when posting PR's or arranging timed meetings we always have to check the hour in GMT time-zone. This however will make both easier. Easier to get the time for the PR and easier to have a scheduled meeting. Also there is no negative side of adding it only possitive.
With this you can follow:
Timed clan RP's
Timed server events
Radio program times
Scheduled tournaments (Rocket League, CS:GO)
Timed meetings
and so on
The only con is that it will use space.
In detail, explain your suggestion:
A GMT based clock on the forum, maybe next to the radio banner.
Why should this be implemented?
Because when posting PR's or arranging timed meetings we always have to check the hour in GMT time-zone. This however will make both easier. Easier to get the time for the PR and easier to have a scheduled meeting. Also there is no negative side of adding it only possitive.
With this you can follow:
Timed clan RP's
Timed server events
Radio program times
Scheduled tournaments (Rocket League, CS:GO)
Timed meetings
and so on
The only con is that it will use space.
Due to not being able to put up a poll to an old post you can vote on the GMT version here: