Jan 20, 2016, 06:25 PM
Clan Selection
So recently I came up with an idea on the way home about a Clan Selection Page. At the moment the Clan Area in F1
isn't the best although I guess it would get fixed in the near future anyhow? I'm not sure how this would work whether this
becomes something only staff can enable or a trusted type rank.
So let's get into this suggestion!
So I don't have an image yet but I have it styled in my head. Why not add on the left a bunch of tags like Market and Inventory
but players in the clan can do a donate type thing. So when you donate an item e.g a Hummer H2 it will be removed from your
inventory and added into the Clan Inventory. This then enables other players to be able to use these items. So this would help a lot
when it comes to ammo and guns etc. Although you may ask what if some one in the clan takes something without permission? Then
you would be able to set a lock on that item so no one can take it out and into their inventory. Now this sounds a bit pointless but
it could help a lot. Also having a sub part when you add custom pages like Rules, Info of the clan etc.
When it comes to clan suits, when a staff member of the clan is online, they will have access to put on the suit.
This would be a lot easier then staff having to go around and putting on the suits manually for players.
As I have only recently came up with the idea today, there is a lot more things that could be added but I would rather like to hear what
the community thinks about this. Any suggestions that I feel is fitting with this suggestion will be added below!
So give a -/+Support down below and
if +Support it then tell what you think!
if +Support it then tell what you think!