Suggestion: SWAT Ladder
So basically, the SWAT would be able to deploy this ladder to climb over walls, get on rooftops to gain advantage or climb on rocks to recon.
This would prevent propclimbing SWAT and actually make them act properly
Great fuckin idea,
+support would give SWAT a tactical advantage
Let's here more discussion on this.
Moving to popular.
ok, so I think there is some merit in the need for ladders. It isn't just for SWAT however as Firefighters could use this also when there are fires on the roof or a hard to reach area.
However, would it be just a prop used that is already available or something that can be easily climbed? I'm trying to imagine how this would work.
I feel like it would be a fire resistant prop, really all you need to climb is one of those lengthy props with teeth cut into it(the gear rail prop)
A set of rules under the Raids tabs that explain when and how to use the ladders should be added if this feature is ever implemented as it is very easily abusable.
(Feb 2, 2016, 06:01 AM)SirWulf Wrote: [ -> ]ok, so I think there is some merit in the need for ladders. It isn't just for SWAT however as Firefighters could use this also when there are fires on the roof or a hard to reach area.
However, would it be just a prop used that is already available or something that can be easily climbed? I'm trying to imagine how this would work.
I was thinking a prop that you could place down like money printers/drug labs, in the sense that you select it from the toolbar,
click with it and it spawns it. Simple as that.
+support if only usable by SWAT/Firemen
After digging around, I found a series of ladders that might actually work well for this.
From SligWolf there is a Models Pack:
There are a series of 16 ladders that are climbable when unfrozen. Some are large enough to reach 4-5 levels of the Nexus. This would be great for fire during those RP events when the roof is on fire or somebody gets stuck way up on top.
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